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The Sandstone Way Experience more than just a route! By Andrew Mitchell Northumberland National Park.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sandstone Way Experience more than just a route! By Andrew Mitchell Northumberland National Park."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sandstone Way Experience more than just a route! By Andrew Mitchell Northumberland National Park

2 The History 2010 – Idea suggested to Ted Liddle by Vic Brown (JLAF) Ted and Tyne Valley MTB moved the idea from concept to project TVMTB researched a longer route between Berwick and Hexham Route options ridden and tested by TVMTB TL engaged landowners and wrote Business Plan 2014 – Northumberland National Park Authority led team to implement 1 st phase of development - with just £32,000!

3 Copyright: Exmoor NNPA and University of Exeter 8 factors that need to be put in place for a route to become a product: 1)Route alignment and infrastructure 2)Route signing (road) and / or way marking (off-road) 3)Route support infrastructure 4)Business training, support and engagement 5)Cycle route map 6)Website 7)Route monitoring (basic) 8)Sustainable route management

4 Route 120 miles long Follows a natural sandstone ridge that crosses the County Links 2 protected landscapes & 1 World Heritage Site Starts and finishes at two market towns serviced by rail & main roads Via Wooler, Rothbury and Bellingham Aimed primarily at MTB users, along existing byways, bridleways, unclassified roads and quiet country lanes. Waymarked from end-to-end Can be ridden in 3 days ideally, or in a day!

5 Goods Official Map - Designed and published by Northern Heritage Ltd, colour-coded route showing off- road sections with 10 optional day- ride loops from Market towns £7.99

6 Goods New Website - created by CyclePAD Ltd with free gpx files, blog, Social Media, visitor payback, business listing opportunities, Map sales, etc. Support Infrastructure – Cycle Pump at Shepherds Walk in Rothbury, Cycle Stands, Signage, etc.

7 Services Route aligned to accommodation providers offering one-night stays Businesses and communities encouraged to capitalise on the opportunities created New business support network created, with more than 20 businesses e.g. luggage transfer companies, bunkhouses and cafes, bike hire outlets, bike taxis and tour operators, etc.

8 Economic Impact The ‘rhythm and flow' determines 'available' time, opportunity, energy and propensity for ON-ROUTE SPEND Pre-visit: maps, clothing, equipment, advance bookings, tour operator, cycle hire etc. On-route: accommodation, meals, refreshment s, souvenirs, snacks etc Post -visit: T-shirt, books, repeat trips....

9 The Experiences >£25k so far raised for charity Cundall’s donated £1,000 Excellent community spirit on social media/film clips on YouTube, Google alerts, etc Trail Outlaws ran the Sandstone Way on 17 th October...I completed the route, including the Alwinton loop in just under 11hrs...I thoroughly enjoyed the day and I am sure that many people will enjoy this route - incredibly quiet roads and some lovely flowing off road sections with stunning Northumberland scenery. Rich Rothwell 24hr Endurance MBR

10 Managing the Sandstone Way Cycle Northumberland The Sandstone Way Management Group (informal): Monitoring – Quantity (counters) Monitoring – Quality (route condition, visitor books, blogs) Ongoing Business Engagement Income generation via Visitor Payback Encouraging support from business sponsorship e.g. Tomlinson’s Bunkhouse & Cafe and Skedaddle 5 Elements of Cycle Route Management: 1) Signage 2) Maps 3) Marketing 4) Monitoring 5) Maintenance

11 Next Steps To further ‘bed-in’ The Sandstone Way Continue to invest in infrastructure improvements Continue to invest in business development Carry out and Economic Impact Assessment on the value of the Sandstone Way to the local economy

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