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For Digital Photography and Video.  When it comes to shot composition, the Rule of Thirds is one of the most useful and abuse-able tactics to make interesting.

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Presentation on theme: "For Digital Photography and Video.  When it comes to shot composition, the Rule of Thirds is one of the most useful and abuse-able tactics to make interesting."— Presentation transcript:

1 For Digital Photography and Video

2  When it comes to shot composition, the Rule of Thirds is one of the most useful and abuse-able tactics to make interesting shots.  The Rule of Thirds can be summarized thusly: ◦ Completely centered shots tend to be boring ◦ Divide your shot into 9 panels using two horizontal and two vertical lines. ◦ These lines divide your shot into horizontal and vertical thirds as guides for you compose your shots with.

3 In this picture, the girl’s right eye falls on an intersection of these imaginary lines you’re using to compose your shot. This is called a “crash point” and things that fall on “crash points” tend to be a bit more psychologically interesting to look at as a result.

4 This shot uses the division of the areas to its advantage. Instead of focusing on crash points, the “weight” of the photo is in the right third of the shot, which is intentionally where the building is closest to the camera. This causes your focus to first start at the closest section, and then scan the rest of the image.








12  A high angle shows the subject from above ◦ Shows subject from above ◦ Camera is angled down ◦ Makes subject  Less powerful  Less significant  Submissive  James Bond movies actually use this shot often. Bond will be under pressure, via gunfire, and it makes him seem powerless until he gazes up and fires at the villain, equalizing the power struggle between them.

13  Camera is low and pointed up  Subject is: ◦ More Powerful ◦ Dominant ◦ “Eyes of the Camera” have been overcome by the subject  Tarantino’s movies are a classic example of using the “trunk shot” which is a low angle shot to show one character has triumphed over another. (Usually, in Tarantino’s world, right before they close the trunk of the car or get murdered)

14  The camera is purposely tilted to one side so the horizon is on an angle. This creates an interesting and dramatic effect.  Dutch tilts are also popular in MTV-style video production, where unusual angles and lots of camera movement play a big part.  Slumdog Millionaire uses this shot excessively to show how this world is unfamiliar to us and that something is “upset” in its depiction.

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