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B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N Developed by Navigant Research Team Final: 11/22/15 Agricultural Programs’ Logic Model.

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Presentation on theme: "B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N Developed by Navigant Research Team Final: 11/22/15 Agricultural Programs’ Logic Model."— Presentation transcript:

1 B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N Developed by Navigant Research Team Final: 11/22/15 Agricultural Programs’ Logic Model

2 B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N ACTIVITIES ULTIMATE OUTCOMES The Purpose of Logic Models A logic model is a strategy tool that graphically depicts how a program’s activities logically lead to the achievement of the program’s goals. Logic models: Make implicit assumptions about program design explicit Facilitate a mutual understanding of program design and intended outcomes across program staff, stakeholders, and evaluators

3 B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N ACTIVITIESRESULTS (of the activities) IMMEDIATE OUTCOMES INTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES ULTIMATE OUTCOMES Elements of a Logic Model The actions the program team will take to reach their long-term outcome. The measurable and concrete outputs of the planned activities. The short-term indicators that the program team is on track toward its ultimate outcomes. The intended outcomes that will result from the program team’s work. The ultimate outcomes that the program team aims to achieve. Certain outcomes are ongoing.

4 B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N ULTIMATE OUTCOMES Primary: Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) achieves its regional energy savings goals in the agricultural sector. Secondary: BPA supports utilities in enabling their agricultural customers to save energy. ACTIVITIES IDENTIFIED TO ACHIEVE THE ULTIMATE OUTCOMES FALL INTO SIX CATEGORIES: Marketing Support for Utilities Outreach & Collaboration Technical Support for Utilities Technology Pipeline Research Program Operations 1 2 3 4 5 The BPA Agricultural Programs’ Logic Model 6

5 B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N ACTIVITIESRESULTS (OF THE ACTIVITIES) IMMEDIATE OUTCOMESINTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES ULTIMATE OUTCOMES BPA viewed as partner in energy efficiency by utilities with agricultural base Utilities, irrigators, and trade allies increase their awareness of energy savings opportunities, non-energy benefits, and rebate programs (including BPA and others) Technical tools and information made available to utilities to facilitate pump tests, custom projects, etc. Marketing collateral/information delivered to utilities, trade allies, and irrigators Utilities conduct pump tests for irrigators; irrigators better understand their system’s health Implementation manual updated each year Invoices approved and paid Technical assistance to utilities and to irrigators at the utility’s request Training utilities to conduct pump tests Tool development (e.g., pump test screener tool, scientific irrigation scheduling (SIS) app) Custom project development Utilities proactively market the rebates for irrigation measures and pump tests Planning and budgeting Implementation manual Compliance reviews Invoice processing Irrigators’ satisfaction with utilities increases; utilities’ satisfaction with BPA increases New measures receive RTF and BPA approval to be included in programs Development and approval of new measures Demonstration projects with Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) and universities PROGRAM OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY PIPELINE MARKETING SUPPORT FOR UTILITIES AND TRADE ALLIES Marketing collateral, product sheets, mailers Online customizable marketing collateral tool 4 3 1 2 6 Demonstration/research projects completed Marketing collateral and information resources developed Irrigators contacted, trade allies contacted, and meetings and outreach events attended Utilities continue to offer agricultural rebate programs to their customers BPA, Regional Technical Forum (RTF), and irrigators have increased confidence in energy savings estimates from existing and new technologies (e.g., SIS, LESA/LEPA) BPA provides administrative guidance, technical support, and tools to utilities to enable deemed measures and custom projects to receive incentives Irrigators receive rebates for implementing irrigation hardware, energy-efficient irrigation practices, and custom projects Irrigators are more willing to try new energy-saving irrigation practices and measures 1.BPA achieves regional energy savings targets 2.BPA supports utilities in enabling their agricultural customers to save energy TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR UTILITIES OUTREACH & COLLABORATION Networking with vendors, trade allies, and other market actors Agricultural program specialists’ (APS) direct outreach to irrigators Regional collaboration Market research Program evaluation 5 RESEARCH BPA adapts and improves its programs in response to changing market conditions and research findings Market research and evaluation reports written Symbol indicates an ongoing outcome

6 B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N ACTIVITIESRESULTS (OF THE ACTIVITIES) IMMEDIATE OUTCOMESINTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES ULTIMATE OUTCOMES BPA viewed as partner in energy efficiency by utilities with agricultural base Utilities, irrigators, and trade allies increase their awareness of energy savings opportunities, non-energy benefits, and rebate programs (including BPA and others) Technical tools and information made available to utilities to facilitate pump tests, custom projects, etc. Marketing collateral/information delivered to utilities, trade allies, and irrigators Utilities conduct pump tests for irrigators; irrigators better understand their system’s health Implementation manual updated each year Invoices approved and paid Technical assistance to utilities and to irrigators at the utility’s request Training utilities to conduct pump tests Tool development (e.g., pump test screener tool, scientific irrigation scheduling (SIS) app) Custom project development Utilities proactively market the rebates for irrigation measures and pump tests Planning and budgeting Implementation manual Compliance reviews Invoice processing Irrigators’ satisfaction with utilities increases; utilities’ satisfaction with BPA increases New measures receive RTF and BPA approval to be included in programs Development and approval of new measures Demonstration projects with Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) and universities PROGRAM OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY PIPELINE MARKETING SUPPORT FOR UTILITIES AND TRADE ALLIES Marketing collateral, product sheets, mailers Online customizable marketing collateral tool 4 3 1 2 6 Demonstration/research projects completed Marketing collateral and information resources developed Irrigators contacted, trade allies contacted, and meetings and outreach events attended Utilities continue to offer agricultural rebate programs to their customers BPA, Regional Technical Forum (RTF), and irrigators have increased confidence in energy savings estimates from existing and new technologies (e.g., SIS, LESA/LEPA) BPA provides administrative guidance, technical support, and tools to utilities to enable deemed measures and custom projects to receive incentives Irrigators receive rebates for implementing irrigation hardware, energy-efficient irrigation practices, and custom projects Irrigators are more willing to try new energy-saving irrigation practices and measures 1.BPA achieves regional energy savings targets 2.BPA supports utilities in enabling their agricultural customers to save energy TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR UTILITIES OUTREACH & COLLABORATION Networking with vendors, trade allies, and other market actors Agricultural program specialists’ (APS) direct outreach to irrigators Regional collaboration Market research Program evaluation 5 RESEARCH BPA adapts and improves its programs in response to changing market conditions and research findings Market research and evaluation reports written Symbol indicates an ongoing outcome

7 B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N ACTIVITIESRESULTS (OF THE ACTIVITIES) IMMEDIATE OUTCOMESINTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES ULTIMATE OUTCOMES BPA viewed as partner in energy efficiency by utilities with agricultural base Utilities, irrigators, and trade allies increase their awareness of energy savings opportunities, non-energy benefits, and rebate programs (including BPA and others) Technical tools and information made available to utilities to facilitate pump tests, custom projects, etc. Marketing collateral/information delivered to utilities, trade allies, and irrigators Utilities conduct pump tests for irrigators; irrigators better understand their system’s health Implementation manual updated each year Invoices approved and paid Technical assistance to utilities and to irrigators at the utility’s request Training utilities to conduct pump tests Tool development (e.g., pump test screener tool, scientific irrigation scheduling (SIS) app) Custom project development Utilities proactively market the rebates for irrigation measures and pump tests Planning and budgeting Implementation manual Compliance reviews Invoice processing Irrigators’ satisfaction with utilities increases; utilities’ satisfaction with BPA increases New measures receive RTF and BPA approval to be included in programs Development and approval of new measures Demonstration projects with Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) and universities PROGRAM OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY PIPELINE MARKETING SUPPORT FOR UTILITIES AND TRADE ALLIES Marketing collateral, product sheets, mailers Online customizable marketing collateral tool 4 3 1 2 6 Demonstration/research projects completed Marketing collateral and information resources developed Irrigators contacted, trade allies contacted, and meetings and outreach events attended Utilities continue to offer agricultural rebate programs to their customers BPA, Regional Technical Forum (RTF), and irrigators have increased confidence in energy savings estimates from existing and new technologies (e.g., SIS, LESA/LEPA) BPA provides administrative guidance, technical support, and tools to utilities to enable deemed measures and custom projects to receive incentives Irrigators receive rebates for implementing irrigation hardware, energy-efficient irrigation practices, and custom projects Irrigators are more willing to try new energy-saving irrigation practices and measures 1.BPA achieves regional energy savings targets 2.BPA supports utilities in enabling their agricultural customers to save energy TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR UTILITIES OUTREACH & COLLABORATION Networking with vendors, trade allies, and other market actors Agricultural program specialists’ (APS) direct outreach to irrigators Regional collaboration Market research Program evaluation 5 RESEARCH BPA adapts and improves its programs in response to changing market conditions and research findings Market research and evaluation reports written Symbol indicates an ongoing outcome

8 B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N ACTIVITIESRESULTS (OF THE ACTIVITIES) IMMEDIATE OUTCOMESINTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES ULTIMATE OUTCOMES BPA viewed as partner in energy efficiency by utilities with agricultural base Utilities, irrigators, and trade allies increase their awareness of energy savings opportunities, non-energy benefits, and rebate programs (including BPA and others) Technical tools and information made available to utilities to facilitate pump tests, custom projects, etc. Marketing collateral/information delivered to utilities, trade allies, and irrigators Utilities conduct pump tests for irrigators; irrigators better understand their system’s health Implementation manual updated each year Invoices approved and paid Technical assistance to utilities and to irrigators at the utility’s request Training utilities to conduct pump tests Tool development (e.g., pump test screener tool, scientific irrigation scheduling (SIS) app) Custom project development Utilities proactively market the rebates for irrigation measures and pump tests Planning and budgeting Implementation manual Compliance reviews Invoice processing Irrigators’ satisfaction with utilities increases; utilities’ satisfaction with BPA increases New measures receive RTF and BPA approval to be included in programs Development and approval of new measures Demonstration projects with Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) and universities PROGRAM OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY PIPELINE MARKETING SUPPORT FOR UTILITIES AND TRADE ALLIES Marketing collateral, product sheets, mailers Online customizable marketing collateral tool 4 3 1 2 6 Demonstration/research projects completed Marketing collateral and information resources developed Irrigators contacted, trade allies contacted, and meetings and outreach events attended Utilities continue to offer agricultural rebate programs to their customers BPA, Regional Technical Forum (RTF), and irrigators have increased confidence in energy savings estimates from existing and new technologies (e.g., SIS, LESA/LEPA) BPA provides administrative guidance, technical support, and tools to utilities to enable deemed measures and custom projects to receive incentives Irrigators receive rebates for implementing irrigation hardware, energy-efficient irrigation practices, and custom projects Irrigators are more willing to try new energy-saving irrigation practices and measures 1.BPA achieves regional energy savings targets 2.BPA supports utilities in enabling their agricultural customers to save energy TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR UTILITIES OUTREACH & COLLABORATION Networking with vendors, trade allies, and other market actors Agricultural program specialists’ (APS) direct outreach to irrigators Regional collaboration Market research Program evaluation 5 RESEARCH BPA adapts and improves its programs in response to changing market conditions and research findings Market research and evaluation reports written Symbol indicates an ongoing outcome

9 B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N ACTIVITIESRESULTS (OF THE ACTIVITIES) IMMEDIATE OUTCOMESINTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES ULTIMATE OUTCOMES BPA viewed as partner in energy efficiency by utilities with agricultural base Utilities, irrigators, and trade allies increase their awareness of energy savings opportunities, non-energy benefits, and rebate programs (including BPA and others) Technical tools and information made available to utilities to facilitate pump tests, custom projects, etc. Marketing collateral/information delivered to utilities, trade allies, and irrigators Utilities conduct pump tests for irrigators; irrigators better understand their system’s health Implementation manual updated each year Invoices approved and paid Technical assistance to utilities and to irrigators at the utility’s request Training utilities to conduct pump tests Tool development (e.g., pump test screener tool, scientific irrigation scheduling (SIS) app) Custom project development Utilities proactively market the rebates for irrigation measures and pump tests Planning and budgeting Implementation manual Compliance reviews Invoice processing Irrigators’ satisfaction with utilities increases; utilities’ satisfaction with BPA increases New measures receive RTF and BPA approval to be included in programs Development and approval of new measures Demonstration projects with Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) and universities PROGRAM OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY PIPELINE MARKETING SUPPORT FOR UTILITIES AND TRADE ALLIES Marketing collateral, product sheets, mailers Online customizable marketing collateral tool 4 3 1 2 6 Demonstration/research projects completed Marketing collateral and information resources developed Irrigators contacted, trade allies contacted, and meetings and outreach events attended Utilities continue to offer agricultural rebate programs to their customers BPA, Regional Technical Forum (RTF), and irrigators have increased confidence in energy savings estimates from existing and new technologies (e.g., SIS, LESA/LEPA) BPA provides administrative guidance, technical support, and tools to utilities to enable deemed measures and custom projects to receive incentives Irrigators receive rebates for implementing irrigation hardware, energy-efficient irrigation practices, and custom projects Irrigators are more willing to try new energy-saving irrigation practices and measures 1.BPA achieves regional energy savings targets 2.BPA supports utilities in enabling their agricultural customers to save energy TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR UTILITIES OUTREACH & COLLABORATION Networking with vendors, trade allies, and other market actors Agricultural program specialists’ (APS) direct outreach to irrigators Regional collaboration Market research Program evaluation 5 RESEARCH BPA adapts and improves its programs in response to changing market conditions and research findings Market research and evaluation reports written Symbol indicates an ongoing outcome

10 B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N ACTIVITIESRESULTS (OF THE ACTIVITIES) IMMEDIATE OUTCOMESINTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES ULTIMATE OUTCOMES BPA viewed as partner in energy efficiency by utilities with agricultural base Utilities, irrigators, and trade allies increase their awareness of energy savings opportunities, non-energy benefits, and rebate programs (including BPA and others) Technical tools and information made available to utilities to facilitate pump tests, custom projects, etc. Marketing collateral/information delivered to utilities, trade allies, and irrigators Utilities conduct pump tests for irrigators; irrigators better understand their system’s health Implementation manual updated each year Invoices approved and paid Technical assistance to utilities and to irrigators at the utility’s request Training utilities to conduct pump tests Tool development (e.g., pump test screener tool, scientific irrigation scheduling (SIS) app) Custom project development Utilities proactively market the rebates for irrigation measures and pump tests Planning and budgeting Implementation manual Compliance reviews Invoice processing Irrigators’ satisfaction with utilities increases; utilities’ satisfaction with BPA increases New measures receive RTF and BPA approval to be included in programs Development and approval of new measures Demonstration projects with Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) and universities PROGRAM OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY PIPELINE MARKETING SUPPORT FOR UTILITIES AND TRADE ALLIES Marketing collateral, product sheets, mailers Online customizable marketing collateral tool 4 3 1 2 6 Demonstration/research projects completed Marketing collateral and information resources developed Irrigators contacted, trade allies contacted, and meetings and outreach events attended Utilities continue to offer agricultural rebate programs to their customers BPA, Regional Technical Forum (RTF), and irrigators have increased confidence in energy savings estimates from existing and new technologies (e.g., SIS, LESA/LEPA) BPA provides administrative guidance, technical support, and tools to utilities to enable deemed measures and custom projects to receive incentives Irrigators receive rebates for implementing irrigation hardware, energy-efficient irrigation practices, and custom projects Irrigators are more willing to try new energy-saving irrigation practices and measures 1.BPA achieves regional energy savings targets 2.BPA supports utilities in enabling their agricultural customers to save energy TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR UTILITIES OUTREACH & COLLABORATION Networking with vendors, trade allies, and other market actors Agricultural program specialists’ (APS) direct outreach to irrigators Regional collaboration Market research Program evaluation 5 RESEARCH BPA adapts and improves its programs in response to changing market conditions and research findings Market research and evaluation reports written Symbol indicates an ongoing outcome

11 B O N N E V I L L E P O W E R A D M I N I S T R A T I O N ACTIVITIESRESULTS (OF THE ACTIVITIES) IMMEDIATE OUTCOMESINTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES ULTIMATE OUTCOMES BPA viewed as partner in energy efficiency by utilities with agricultural base Utilities, irrigators, and trade allies increase their awareness of energy savings opportunities, non-energy benefits, and rebate programs (including BPA and others) Technical tools and information made available to utilities to facilitate pump tests, custom projects, etc. Marketing collateral/information delivered to utilities, trade allies, and irrigators Utilities conduct pump tests for irrigators; irrigators better understand their system’s health Implementation manual updated each year Invoices approved and paid Technical assistance to utilities and to irrigators at the utility’s request Training utilities to conduct pump tests Tool development (e.g., pump test screener tool, scientific irrigation scheduling (SIS) app) Custom project development Utilities proactively market the rebates for irrigation measures and pump tests Planning and budgeting Implementation manual Compliance reviews Invoice processing Irrigators’ satisfaction with utilities increases; utilities’ satisfaction with BPA increases New measures receive RTF and BPA approval to be included in programs Development and approval of new measures Demonstration projects with Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) and universities PROGRAM OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY PIPELINE MARKETING SUPPORT FOR UTILITIES AND TRADE ALLIES Marketing collateral, product sheets, mailers Online customizable marketing collateral tool 4 3 1 2 6 Demonstration/research projects completed Marketing collateral and information resources developed Irrigators contacted, trade allies contacted, and meetings and outreach events attended Utilities continue to offer agricultural rebate programs to their customers BPA, Regional Technical Forum (RTF), and irrigators have increased confidence in energy savings estimates from existing and new technologies (e.g., SIS, LESA/LEPA) BPA provides administrative guidance, technical support, and tools to utilities to enable deemed measures and custom projects to receive incentives Irrigators receive rebates for implementing irrigation hardware, energy-efficient irrigation practices, and custom projects Irrigators are more willing to try new energy-saving irrigation practices and measures 1.BPA achieves regional energy savings targets 2.BPA supports utilities in enabling their agricultural customers to save energy TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR UTILITIES OUTREACH & COLLABORATION Networking with vendors, trade allies, and other market actors Agricultural program specialists’ (APS) direct outreach to irrigators Regional collaboration Market research Program evaluation 5 RESEARCH BPA adapts and improves its programs in response to changing market conditions and research findings Market research and evaluation reports written Symbol indicates an ongoing outcome

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