Lundyia Social studies. Christopher columbus Christopher Columbus, or Cristóbal Colón in Spanish, is an amazingly difficult man to pin down. Born about.

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1 lundyia Social studies

2 Christopher columbus Christopher Columbus, or Cristóbal Colón in Spanish, is an amazingly difficult man to pin down. Born about 1451, he died on 20 May 1506. We know that he sailed the Atlantic and reached the Americas on October 12, 1492 under the sponsorship of the Spanish kingdom of Castile. We can explore his life in two sections Birth to 1492 and then from 1492 till his death.Birth to 14921492 till his death Columbus was not necessarily the first European to discover the Americas. But his voyage in 1492 marked the beginning of European exploration of the Americas. not necessarily the first European to discover the Americas Prior to 1492 Columbus past is somewhat obscure. He is often assumed to have come from Genoa, in Italy. This is based on statements attributed to Columbus himself, members of his family, and others who knew him. However a number of historians claim he could have been born elsewhere, and cite anywhere from Aragón to Galicia or Portugal, the Greek island of Chios and others. he could have been born elsewhere

3 Line of Demarcation A political demarcation line is a temporary geopolitical border, often agreed upon as part of an armistice or ceasefire. This is a list of such demarcation lines.

4 Treaty of tordesillas The lands to the east would belong to Portugal and the lands to the west to Spain. The treaty was ratified by Spain (at the time, the unified Crowns of Castile and Aragon), 2 July 1494 and by Portugal, 5 September 1494. The other side of the world would be divided a few decades later by the Treaty of Zaragoza or Saragossa, signed on 22 April 1529, which specified the antimeridian to the line of demarcation specified in the Treaty of Tordesillas. Originals of both treaties are kept at the Archivo General de Indias in Spain and at the Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo in Portugal. [6] CastileAragonTreaty of ZaragozaantimeridianArchivo General de Indias Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo [6]

5 Firnad maggellan Ferdinand Magellan was born in Portugal, either in the city of Porto or in Sabrosa, circa 1480. His parents were members of the Portuguese nobility, so after their deaths, when he was just 10 years old, Magellan became a page for the queen. Magellan studied at Queen Leonora's School of Pages in Lisbon and spent his days poring over texts on cartography, astronomy, and celestial navigation— subjects that would serve him well in his later pursuits.

6 curcumnavigate Circumnavigation (literally, "navigation of a circumference") refers to travelling all the way around an island, a continent, or (usually) the entire planet Earth. The first world circumnavigation in history was the Magellan-Elcano expedition which sailed from Spain in 1519 and returned in 1522 after having crossed the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Indian oceans.navigation circumference EarthMagellan-Elcano expedition AtlanticPacific Indian

7 Columbian exchange The Columbian Exchange or Grand Exchange refers to the widespread transfer of animals, plants, culture, human populations, communicable diseases, technology and ideas between the American and Afro-Eurasian hemispheres in the 15th and 16th centuries, related to European colonization and trade after Christopher...

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