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Age of Exploration Unit Test

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1 Age of Exploration Unit Test

2 Who essentially began the Age of Exploration and why?
Prince Henry the Navigator Europeans wanted a DIRECT trade route with Asia

3 What did Henry never do that was so unusual for an explorer?
He never journeyed the sea

4 Henry founded this in 1416? School of Navigation

5 Alvise Cadamasto discovered these in 1456…
Cape Verde Islands

6 What did Bartolomeu Dias become the first explorer to do in 1487?
Go around the Cape of Good Hope

7 Name 2 of the promises that Columbus made to Queen Isabella and King Ferinand
1. bring back gold, spices, and silk 2. spread Christianity

8 Thinking the island discovered on his first voyage was part of Asia, what did Columbus name it?
San Salvador

9 Name the first navigator to circumnavigate the globe.
Ferdinand Magellan

10 What year did Columbus sail from Europe to the Americas?

11 Why did Columbus think he could sail west to reach Asia?
Maps of the time period made the oceans look smaller than they were

12 What were the names of the 3 ships Columbus had under his command?
The Nina The Pinta The Santa Maria

13 What month and year did Columbus and his sailors’’ spot land?
October 1492

14 During the Age of Exploration the Americas was referred to as this
During the Age of Exploration the Americas was referred to as this? Europe? Americas = New World Europe = Old World

15 Why did Columbus call Native Americans “Indians”?
Because he thought he’d landed near India in Asia

16 What was The Columbian Exchange?
The widespread exchange of animals, plants, culture, human populations, and ideas between America, Europe, and Africa

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