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Population Growth. Current Populations World population is ~ 7 billion U.S. population is 313 million Louisiana population is 4 ½ million.

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Presentation on theme: "Population Growth. Current Populations World population is ~ 7 billion U.S. population is 313 million Louisiana population is 4 ½ million."— Presentation transcript:

1 Population Growth

2 Current Populations World population is ~ 7 billion U.S. population is 313 million Louisiana population is 4 ½ million

3 Birth Rate + Death Rate The birth rate is the number of births per 1000 people in a single year. The death rate is the number of deaths per 1000 people in a single year. Some regions have zero population growth, meaning their birth rate and death rate are about the same.

4 Population Growth The global population is growing rapidly and is expected to reach almost 8 billion by 2025 and 10 billion by 2050. How might this impact you?

5 Population Growth 7:31

6 World Population Growth

7 Reasons for Population Growth Improved health care (antibiotics, vaccinations) Better living conditions (sanitation, shelter) Higher agricultural productivity (irrigation, pesticides, fertilizer—we produce more food per acre) Advances in technology (transportation, communication, safer products) All of these mean that people live longer.

8 Average Life Expectancy in U.S. 78 years old 75 81

9 Population Problems to Solve What might be some challenges the world will face if the human population continues to grow at its current rate? Turn to your shoulder partner and together make a list of as many as you can.

10 Population Problems Were any of these on your list? Sufficient supply of natural resources (ex. food and water) An increase in environmental problems (ex. pollution and global warming)

11 Population Problems Were any of these on your list? Using up (depleting) natural resources that cannot be replenished (ex. oil) Land once used for agriculture may be needed for housing or other purposes Greater competition for jobs and trade

12 Solutions Now that you have identified some of the problems associated with population growth, it’s time to come up with solutions. With your shoulder partner, choose one of the problems from you list and brainstorm some possible solutions to the problem. Think “outside the box” to come up with your solutions. Write a brief description of your solution.

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