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Life cycle of Dragon Fly

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1 Life cycle of Dragon Fly
by: Malcolm Frank

2 Eggs The eggs are laid in the water, where the hatch into nymphs.
They feed on the tissue around the egg which gives it nutrients. They look like little white balls stuck together. There is of these eggs laid at once.

3 Nymph The nymph has six legs and two large eyes.
The nymph has six legs and two large eyes. The nymphs are predators and feed on anything in the water. Dragon fly nymphs live on plants, among stones. They can have sizes up to 49 mm long.

4 Nymph This nymph stage and the last one will last for four years.
The dragon fly nymph has no tail

5 Adult dragonflies can measure to two to 10 cm long.
Dragonflies can be found In ponds, marshes, cattails or bulrush. The dragonfly can specialize in many different hunting stiles. They will eat other smaller insects or they will eat each other.

6 Interesting facts about the dragon fly
There are approximately 5000 different types of dragon flies in the world. Dragon flies can have a life span of three months to five months. Dragon flies have been around the world for about thirty million years. About 30 centuries ago, dragon flies were 1-5 feet long. The dragon fly can have up to three thousand eye lenses.

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