-React violently with water -Can be identified by the flame test -Never found uncombined due to their reactivity -Have one valence electron -Must be stored.

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2 -React violently with water -Can be identified by the flame test -Never found uncombined due to their reactivity -Have one valence electron -Must be stored in kerosene or oil because they react with water -Low densities -Large atomic radius -VERY shiny

3 -Very reactive -Two valence electrons -Seldom found uncombined in nature due to reactivity -Contains 2 biologically important elements Ca and Mg The alkaline earth metals. The alkaline earth metals. The alkaline earth metals.

4 Group 13- Boron Family -3 valence electrons - combination of metals and non-metals Group 14- Carbon Family - 4 valence electrons - most important element for living things- C Group 15- Nitrogen Family - 5 valence electrons - contains the most abundant element in the Earth’s atmosphere- N Group 16- Oxygen Family - 6 valence electrons - contains element that is most important gas for life- O

5 -salt-formers -Very reactive- most reactive element on the whole periodic table is fluorine -Never found uncombined due to reactivity -Have 7 valence electrons -Can be diatomic ex. O 2, F 2

6 -Unreactive due to an already full outer shell -Do NOT form compounds under normal conditions -Not very abundant in nature -Will glow specific colors when an electric current is applied

7 - groups 3-12 -All properties of regular metals ductile, lustrous. etc….. -All the group B or center elements on the metal side of the table -Do NOT follow periodic laws -Many uses Ti- golf clubs, golf balls W- light bulb filaments -More similar to their neighbor than the elements above and below them -Tend to have 2-3 oxidation states due to their bonding flexibility

8 The elements contained in the classification of Metalloids are as follows: Boron Silicon Germanium Arsenic Antimony Tellurium Polonium -Found along the stairway -Have properties of both metals and non-metals -Semi-conductors -Most abundant element on Earth found here- Si

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