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The Lighthouse Adventure 2015 As Christmas activities at the Milam home are in full swing about now, my attention turns the preparations needed for another.

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Presentation on theme: "The Lighthouse Adventure 2015 As Christmas activities at the Milam home are in full swing about now, my attention turns the preparations needed for another."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Lighthouse Adventure 2015 As Christmas activities at the Milam home are in full swing about now, my attention turns the preparations needed for another Lighthouse Adventure. For the 7 th year in a row starting the morning of December 26, I ( and anyone I can talk into it ) will gear up, complete a mile hike with a full pack, pitch a tent, gather firewood, collect fresh water and for the next 5 days, I will have the opportunity to reflect on all the blessings in my life. In addition, I will raising funds for The Lighthouse Academy at Newburg. I do this in honor of all those lives that are touched by the Lighthouse ministry, lives that face basic challenges everyday and some that I could not begin to comprehend. If you have read so far, you should not be surprised that I’m going to ask for your help. So here goes, easy ways first: 1) Please say a prayer for the Adventure. I’m hoping for good weather and lots of pledges. 2) If you are looking for a way to step out of your comfort Zone and would be willing to raise some funds through your own personal adventure, go with me. Come out for 1 day, 1 night and just an afternoon. Trust me, It won’t take long for you to see just how much we take for granted everyday. 3) Become a Adventure Captain. I’m looking for folks that would be willing to go the extra mile (there’s that distance again) regarding fund raising. A Captain would share the Lighthouse Academy at Newburg story (see attached materials), explain the purpose of the Adventure and would secure 5 people who would be willing to sponsor the Adventure for $10. My goal for 2015 is $5000 with all the monies going toward the expenses related to the various programs provided by the Lighthouse Academy. 4) If you are looking for a last minute option regarding a charitable donation, please consider the Lighthouse Academy at Newburg or simply become a sponsor of the Lighthouse Adventure.

2 If you would be interested in partnering with me regarding this adventure, just fill out the information on the back of this flyer and return it to me with the sponsorship monies by Dec 30. Steve Milam 815 Echo Bridge Road Louisville, Kentucky 40243 The Lighthouse Academy At Newburg is a 501(c)3 non- profit organization that meets all Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance Standards for Charity Accountability, Checks should be made out to the Lighthouse Ministry and can be mailed directly to: The Lighthouse Academy at Newburg 5312 Shepherdsville Road Louisville, Kentucky 40228 The Lighthouse Center has been commissioned a 21st Century Community Learning Center by the Kentucky Department of Education. This commission ties the center with the Jefferson County Public Schools and the Kentucky Department of Education to insure the students in our program receive the appropriate intervention in our Out of School time program. We are able to provide enrichment programs along with tutoring in areas such as reading, math, science, and technology. We also tie into the Jefferson County Public School day by utilizing research based computer programs that students access at their school and at our facility. Along with this information, I have attached additional materials for you as well. Well there you have, the Lighthouse Adventure story for 2015. The only thing left is a few days in the woods and the ending in regards to fundraising. I’m hoping you will consider playing a part in that ending. If you would like, you will be able to follow the Lighthouse Adventure in near real time on my Facebook page. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours, Steve Milam

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