Tarleton State University Questions/Concerns: Office of Student Activities 254.968.9256

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Presentation on theme: "Tarleton State University Questions/Concerns: Office of Student Activities 254.968.9256"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tarleton State University Questions/Concerns: Office of Student Activities 254.968.9256 stuact@tarleton.edu

2  www.orgsync.com using Firefox only www.orgsync.com  Log-in (top right corner) Community: Tarleton State University Log-in already set up: NTNETand password  Quick Facts  Some information automatically downloaded  Password change applies to both NTNET & OrgSync

3  Options  Contact books  Discussions  Email Lists  News  Polls  Messaging

4  Send emails to specific people  Groups Admins Officers Members  Search Ability to search and send to specific people only  Contact Books Use contact books to send emails to vendors, entertainers, former member, etc.

5  Communication  Email lists Create an Email List Type  Member  Executive Council  Etc. Description

6  Similar to a blog  Quick summaries on homepage Open to view entire news article  Keep org informed  Post news/information about events  Can be sent as email  Permission Based Access  Use to make public, visible to org or private  Format and Style  Adds detail to your post  Archived Posts  All news posts are automatically archived Sorted by month Search tool using keywords to access any time

7  Communication  News Create News Post Title Body  Write article or information Email Newsletter  Option to send news post as email to everyone you have included in availability Available to  Public  Certain groups only

8  Instant feedback  Survey members  Collect feedback on events  Choose food to cater  Custom Settings  Allow more than one option  Hide or show results  Adjust dates to open/close poll  Permission Based Access  Public or group only  Comment and Share  Comment before/after results are displayed  Share on Facebook/Twitter

9  Communication  Polls Create a Poll Poll Question Additional information if needed Poll options  Must have 2  Can have more if needed Available to  Public  Certain groups only

10  Allows direct communication  Targeted Communication  Select specific groups  Message Formatting  Add pictures and links  Community Messaging  Administrators can send to entire community or certain group  How to send a message  Communication Messaging Select Recipients Subject Body

11  Allows organization to reach members on- the-go  FREE Mass Texting  No additional cost to organization  Targeted Messages  Send to appropriate audiences  Cannot exceed a 120-characters  User Opt-In  Users must opt-in to receive texts Can be done by changing Notification Settings

12  Communication  SMS/Text Messaging Select Recipients Must have enabled texts Must have provided mobile number Body 120 characters or less If over 120 characters, may not deliver to all members

13  Ability to create lists for members to access and check off  Creating a To-Do List  ‘To-Do Lists’ on left sidebar Create A List Title Available to After creation Add task  Due date  Priority  Assign to certain members of your group

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