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USING GIS TO DISTRIBUTE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH WATER FILTRATION UNITS IN HAITI “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” (Isaiah 12:3)

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Presentation on theme: "USING GIS TO DISTRIBUTE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH WATER FILTRATION UNITS IN HAITI “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” (Isaiah 12:3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 USING GIS TO DISTRIBUTE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH WATER FILTRATION UNITS IN HAITI “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” (Isaiah 12:3) Justin Helms MGIS Capstone Project Penn State University

2 Presentation Overview Haiti’s physical location 2010 Earthquake Enduring struggles United Methodist Church efforts Analysis 1 Analysis 2 Analysis 3 Data sources

3 Physical Location


5 Terrain and Hydrology

6 2010 Earthquake

7 Enduring Struggles Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere Haiti deals with water scarcity on a daily basis 45 percent of the population has no access to an improved water source 70 percent has no direct access to potable water Public systems are rarely available year round Water-borne illnesses cause of over half of all Haiti deaths each year The 7.0 magnitude earthquake in 2010 destroyed fresh-water resources

8 Categories of Haiti Aid

9 United Methodist Church United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) provides Christian outreach, humanitarian relief and disaster response to 80+ countries UMCOR supports distribution of water filtration units throughout Haiti

10 UMCOR Haiti Team The team wants to focus on specific communities Grow relationships with those communities The team lacks a means to maximize distribution of filters

11 How the Filtration Units Work

12 Analysis 1 Determine most effective means to distribute filters Identify areas where:  Water-born illnesses are highest  GDP is least  Stream(s) are nearby  Population is dense  Away from previously distributed filters

13 Analysis 2 Determine most effective locations to drill wells Identify areas where:  Water-born illnesses are highest  GDP is least  Stream(s) are not nearby  Population is dense  Water table is not too low (to enable water to be reached)

14 Analysis 3 Purchase 20 GPS tracking devices (e.g., TRAX) Equip some bottles with devices Distribute using a standard ratio

15 Data Elevation  DTED Level 0 – Geo Community Hydrology  Haiti Hydrology: Polygons, 1:250,000, 9/4/12  Haiti Inland waters river network: Lines, 1:25000, 6/22/12 Cholera  Cholera Treatment Facilities: Direct contact  TEBOW Electronic Medical Record System: Records database  Pan American Health Organization Administrative Boundaries  Admin Boundaries – Level 1 (Departments) Polygons, 5/9/12  Admin Boundaries – Level 2 (Communities) Polygons, 5/9/12  Admin Boundaries – Level 3 (Community Sections) Polygons, 5/9/12 Population  Population Density: Polygons, Level 3, 5/11/12 Basemap  Natural Earth Data: Rasters

16 Other Data Sources and References obase.html a study conducted by The Center for Human Rights and Global Justice groundwater-mapping-in-haiti/

17 Example of Available Data

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