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1 2 I.Background knowledge II.Idea of the text III.Word study IV.Oral presentation.

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2 1

3 2 I.Background knowledge II.Idea of the text III.Word study IV.Oral presentation

4 3

5 4 Priest Preacher Bishop Nun

6 5 go to church on Sundays

7 6 Mass: celebration of Christ’s Last Supper Carol: Also, hymn, songs sung in the Mass

8 7 Santa Claus, or Father Christmas, or Saint Nicholas Jingle Bells

9 8 Through the chimney he delivers presents to children who have been nice during the year.

10 9 Christmas stocking Christmas flower Christmas tree Christmas card &

11 10 Birth of Jesus Christ December 25

12 11 A shepherd saw the star.

13 12 Jesus was born in a stable.

14 13 Every December 25…

15 14 shopping for presents

16 15 Santa Claus delivers presents to children.

17 16 Christmas party

18 17 Visiting friends and relatives

19 18 Christmas Carol or Christmas hymn

20 19

21 20 I’m against Christmas. It’s still a “holy day”.

22 21 Too much money spent Completely unChristian 1 2

23 22 Walk down the streets

24 23 LP luxury items glasses of spirits expensive clothes incredible amount of money

25 24 Eight per cent of all disease in the world is caused by ad water supply: for millions of people, the perfect Christmas present would be a tap in the village square which would give pure, clean water.

26 25 too busy thinking about

27 26 the presents sitting under the Christmas tree Presents are placed under the Christmas tree.

28 27 The whole idea of Christmas now is completely unChristian --- I’m sure that Christ would be furious if he could see what sort of celebrations are being carried out in his name.

29 28 Scrooge: a character in the novel “A Christmas Carol” by Dickens, a miser who hated seeing people giving each other presents It’s all humbug.

30 29 If we are going to continue with this wasteful, thoughtless ceremony, then let’s be truthful about it, and call it ….

31 30 “Stuff-Our-Faces Week” or “Stomach Week”

32 31 --- but let’s get rid of the hypocritical pretence that Christmas is “the season of goodwill”.

33 32 1. Change the dull routine 2. Give pleasure to children 3. People become friendlier 4. Giving presents is fun 5. The spiritual value 1 2 3 4 5

34 33 A rather sophisticated woman told me shyly that she saves up all her presents until Christmas morning and then sit up in bed and open them, just like a child.

35 34 It’s just a time when shopkeepers make a lot of money. Everyone rushes around buying presents they don’t want to give and food they don’t want to eat.

36 35 Have they grown so far away from their own childhood that they can’t remember all the good things?

37 36 First of all, Christmas takes you out of the ordinary humdrum routine of life. For children, the fun begins weeks before when the decorations are put up, and excitement gradually mounts as December the 25th approaches.

38 37 Excitement gradually mounts as December the 25# approaches.

39 38 Decorations are put up.

40 39 lean out of a car window smile and respond at the traffic lights Merry Christmas! Hi ! Merry Christmas !

41 40 wouldn’t think of doing that at any other time of the year Come, you guy !! Shit ! Red lights again !!

42 41 Perhaps it’s because most people are on holiday or because everyone knows that they are sharing a similar experience.

43 42 Giving presents can be very satisfying, too, if you plan far enough in advance and really think of the right present for the right person.

44 43 Indeed, whatever shopkeepers gain out of Christmas, it is still a “holy day”, the words from which “holiday” is derived, and it gives people time to pause and concentrate for a moment on non- commercial values.

45 44

46 45 Fill in the blanks with these phrases: sit up put up on holiday laugh at get rid of derive from concentrate on in advance 1.Belinda started to worry about how to _________ her guests. 2.Decorations have all been ________ for the party. get rid of put up

47 46 Fill in the blanks with these phrases: sit up put up on holiday laugh at get rid of derive from concentrate on in advance 3. He promised that his government will _____________ more education. 4. The word “detergent” s ___________ Latin. concentrate on derived from

48 47 Fill in the blanks with these phrases: sit up put up on holiday laugh at get rid of derive from concentrate on in advance 5. This time he can stay longer as he has come ________ rather than on business. 6. We booked our train tickets well_______ of the departure date. on holiday in advance

49 48 Fill in the blanks with these phrases: sit up put up on holiday laugh at get rid of derive from concentrate on in advance 7. The patient struggled to _____ when he saw the doctor coming. 8. I don’t think it nice to ________ disabled people. sit up laugh at

50 49

51 50 I’m against Christmas. It’s still a “holy day”. Make a list of the reasons why the first writer doesn’t approve of Christmas while the second does.

52 课件作者: 作者单位: 张则玫 西安交通大学

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