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Erica Findley & Maureen Sullivan ALCTS Virtual Midwinter Symposium January 12, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Erica Findley & Maureen Sullivan ALCTS Virtual Midwinter Symposium January 12, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Erica Findley & Maureen Sullivan ALCTS Virtual Midwinter Symposium January 12, 2012

2 Erica Findley

3  What has changed?  Expectations  Challenges  Questions

4  78 Chair and Vice-Chair positions within ALCTS Committees.  1,100 Chair and Vice-Chair positions within ALA Committees. Numbers provided by Charles Wilt, ALCTS Executive Director.

5 William Pettit and Ken McPhan of the Gippsland Independent and Express newspaper, Victoria

6 Expectations of new leaders

7  Self-serve  Individualization  Mentor-don’t The gardener Fredrik Fröding, 78 years old, with a watering can

8 Plan Failure Feedback Experience! "WANNA KEEP 'EM HEALTHY? OVERCOOKING DESTROYS VITAMINS"!, 1941 – 1945

9 Jongen aan de afwas / Boy doing the dishes

10 Challenges for new leaders

11  Enabling vs. dictating  No entitlement  Breaking status quo F.A. Cup Trophy

12  Barriers to “no”  Positive no  N-option Etonnement

13  Clampitt, P. G., & Dekoch, R. J. (2011). Transforming leaders into progress makers: Leadership for the 21st century. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE.  In the Library with the Led Pipe  Maeda, J., & Bermont, B. (2011). Redesigning leadership. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.  Morris, S., & Morris, J. (2003). Leadership simple: Leading people to lead themselves : the practice of lead management. Santa Barbara, Calif: Imporex International.  Ury, W. (2007). The power of a positive No: How to say No and still get to Yes. New York: Bantam Books.

14  William Pettit and Ken McPhan of the Gippsland Independent and Express newspaper, Victoria  The gardener Fredrik Fröding, 78 years old, with a watering can  "WANNA KEEP 'EM HEALTHY? OVERCOOKING DESTROYS VITAMINS"!, 1941 – 1945  Jongen aan de afwas / Boy doing the dishes  F.A. Cup Trophy  Etonnement


16 Key Concepts

17  Managers hold formal positions  The work includes planning, allocating resources, work design, organizing and accomplishing results  Leadership is inspiring, empowering and guiding others to achieve and accomplish results  Leadership is both by “position held” and “opportunities taken.”

18  Purpose, Direction, and Meaning  Trust  Optimism  Action and Results Warren Bennis

19  Challenge the process  Inspire shared vision  Enable others to act  Model the way  Encourage the heart Kouzes and Posner

20  You make a difference.  Credibility is the foundation of leadership.  Values drive commitment.  Focusing on the future sets leaders apart.  You cannot do it alone.

21  Trust rules.  Challenge is the crucible for greatness.  You either lead by example or you don’t lead at all.  The best leaders are the best learners.  Leadership is an affair of the heart. Kouzes and Posner

22  Self-awareness – knowing, understanding and accepting yourself  Knowing, respecting and appreciating your constituencies  Developing capacity – yours and others  Serving a purpose  Sustaining hope

23  What are some of your strengths as a leader?  Who is a role model for you?  Where are there opportunities for you to lead?  In what areas do you want to strengthen your leadership capacity?  What will you do to get started?

24 James Kouzes and Barry Posner: The Truth About Leadership and The Leadership Challenge Warren Bennis: On Becoming a Leader Robert D. Stueart and Maureen Sullivan: Developing Library Leaders: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Coaching, Team Building and Mentoring Staff


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