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Other Peoples Shoes People, Performance, Leadership and Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Other Peoples Shoes People, Performance, Leadership and Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Other Peoples Shoes People, Performance, Leadership and Management

2 Topics People and the other 2 factors in real change People and the other 5 factors in performance management Leadership and Management – definitions Leadership in Health and Social Care Management in Health and Social Care

3 Topics What matters Servant Leadership and Management What people need from their managers Key thoughts on Leadership and Management Hard questions for Leaders and Managers 10 steps to Leadership and Management

4 People and the other 2 factors in real change Real change comes from three things 1 Developing people to their maximum capability and capacity 2 Making process as effective and efficient as possible 3 Deploying resources effectively

5 People and the other 5 factors in performance management There are 6 key ingredients in performance management 1 Clarity about the objectives 2 Commitment to delivery – the will to do it 3 Evidence of progress – good quality information 4 Rigour – effective monitoring

6 People and the other 5 factors in performance management 5 Resilience and staying power – coping with setbacks and keeping going until the job is done 6 People – getting the best from the most important resource – leadership and management

7 Leadership and management - definitions Leadership is showing the way – showing what to do next. Leadership is not dependent on role and seniority Management is the responsibility for the use of resources. Management is dependent on role and seniority.

8 Leadership in Health and Social Care Leadership in Health and Social Care can come from Patients, clients and carers Voluntary organisations and other agencies Professions and Trade Unions Managers at all levels including Chief Executives Chairs, Non Executives and Politicians

9 Management in Health and Social Care There are 4 levels of managers Team Managers Senior Managers Directors Chief Executives

10 What matters What matters is how you lead and manage What matters is what you say, what you do and how you behave

11 Servant Leadership and Management Robert Greenleaf – the modern founding Father of servant leadership and management with an international following Ten characteristics of the servant leader and manager defined by Larry Spears 1 Listening 2 Empathy 3 Healing

12 Servant Leadership and Management 4 Awareness 5 Persuasion 6 Conceptualisation 7 Foresight 8 Stewardship 9 Commitment to the growth of people 10 Building Community

13 What people need from their managers The quality of managers is crucial to the effectiveness, efficiency and well being of the people they manage People need 4 things from their managers 1 Support 2 Feedback including appraisal 3 Development and training 4 Clear job content

14 What people need from their managers Beverley Alimo Metcalfes survey of 2,500 NHS managers identified 7 important qualities that people most wanted in their managers 1 Concern for others 2 Ability to communicate and inspire 3 Decency 4 Humanity

15 What people need from their managers 5 Humility 6 Sensitivity 7 Respect for others Beverley Alimo Metcalfe summarised the 7 qualities as the manager being a servant not a hero

16 Key thoughts on Leadership and Management Peter Griffiths Chair of the Foundation Trust network and former Deputy CE of the NHs in England describes good leaders and managers as having 6 qualities 1 Passionate about high standards of service and looking for improvement 2 Being willing to learn and to admit mistakes 3 Seeking consensus

17 Key thoughts on Leadership and Management 4 Concerned for the treatment of people 5 Having realistic visions 6 Committed to relationships with professional colleagues

18 Key thoughts on Leadership and Management Beverley Alimo Metcalfe describes leadership and management as; A contact sport Being obsessed with values – living inside out Connecting what you do with who you are and those you serve Having more belief in others than they have in themselves and keeping the faith until they come to believe it for themselves

19 Key thoughts on Leadership and Management Max du Pre said that leadership and management are about Polishing, liberating and enabling the gifts of others Bearing not inflicting pain Giving people space to exercise gifts and be themselves Behaving with consistent and dependable integrity

20 Key thoughts on Leadership and Management David Wilkinson and Elaine Applebee - courage is more important than charisma C S Lewis - courage is the master virtue because it makes the practice of all the other virtues possible Warren Bennis – real leaders and managers move the human heart, demonstrate integrity, provide meaning, generate trust and communicate values

21 Warren Bennis and James OToole ask 9 hard questions of would be leaders and managers 1 Do you lead consistently in a way that inspires followers to trust you? 2 Do you hold people accountable for their performance and promises? 3 Are you comfortable delegating important tasks to others? Hard questions for would be Leaders and Managers

22 4 How much time do you spend developing other leaders? 5 How much time do you spend communicating your vision, purpose, and values? Do people down the line apply your vision to their day to day work? 6 How comfortable are you sharing information, resources, praise and credit?

23 Hard questions for would be leaders and managers 7 Do you energise others? 8 Do you consistently demonstrate respect for others? 9 Do you really listen?

24 10 steps to Leadership and Management 5 process steps 1 Listen to other People 2 Think about what they have said 3 Exercise judgement – come to a decision 4 Explain your decision and persuade others 5 See it through with courage

25 10 steps to Leadership and Management 5 behaviour steps 1 Demonstrate your commitment to the work of your organisation and your belief in service improvement 2 Respect the people you work with and take delight in their development 3 Exercise empathy – put yourself in other peoples shoes

26 10 steps to Leadership and Management 4 Build trust by acting with integrity and living your values 5 Act with humility and be willing to learn

27 Topics People and the other 2 factors in real change People and the other 5 factors in performance management Leadership and Management – definitions Leadership in Health and Social Care Management in Health and Social care

28 Topics What matters Servant leadership and management What people need from their managers Key thoughts on Leadership and Management Hard questions for Leaders and Managers 10 steps to Leadership and Management

29 3 principles for Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care 1 Patients, clients and carers – first, last and always 2 Front line staff second. Managers should serve front line staff not the other way around 3 Treat people as you would wish to be treated – no bullying, no harassment, be just and fair

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