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Folktale 組長:張恆 組員:李依芳、林葳淇、邱子瑄、潘清美、 薛玉佳、謝孟儒 資料彙整:林葳淇、潘清美 資料處理:謝孟儒 PPT :邱子瑄 撰寫演講稿:李依芳、薛玉佳 演講:張恆.

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Presentation on theme: "Folktale 組長:張恆 組員:李依芳、林葳淇、邱子瑄、潘清美、 薛玉佳、謝孟儒 資料彙整:林葳淇、潘清美 資料處理:謝孟儒 PPT :邱子瑄 撰寫演講稿:李依芳、薛玉佳 演講:張恆."— Presentation transcript:

1 Folktale 組長:張恆 組員:李依芳、林葳淇、邱子瑄、潘清美、 薛玉佳、謝孟儒 資料彙整:林葳淇、潘清美 資料處理:謝孟儒 PPT :邱子瑄 撰寫演講稿:李依芳、薛玉佳 演講:張恆

2 A fox and a crow A Crow, having stolen a bit of meat, sat in a tree and held it in her beak. A hungry Fox, seeing this, envied the crow and wished to have the meat for himself. So he came up with a cunning plan. “How gracious you are,” he exclaimed, “how beautifully your feathers shine! Oh, if only your voice were equal to your beauty, you would deserve to be called the Queen of Birds!” The Crow was really flattered by these words, so, anxious to be called the Queen of Birds, she gave a loud caw and dropped the meat. The Fox quickly picked it up, and thus addressed the Crow: “My dear Crow, you have a nice voice, indeed, but I’m afraid you have no wits.” Moral: Do not trust flatterers.

3 Dangling from the meat of the dog A Dog, crossing a bridge over a stream with a piece of meat in his mouth, saw his own reflection in the water. Thinking it was another dog with a bigger piece of meat, he growled and frowned at it, wishing to have that morsel, too. He, then, opened his mouth to get the other piece of meat, but at that moment, his own fell into the water with a splash and the stream swept it away. He thus lost both. Moral: Greed can make you lose everything you have.

4 塞翁失馬,焉知非福 Once upon a time, there was a farmer in the central region of China. He didn't have a lot of money and, instead of a tractor; he used an old horse to plow his field 。 One afternoon, while working in the field, the horse dropped dead. Everyone in the village said, “Oh, what a horrible thing to happen 。 ” The farmer said simply, “We‘ll see 。 ” He was so at peace and so calm, that everyone in the village got together and, admiring his attitude, gave him a new horse as a gift 。 Everyone's reaction now was, “What a lucky man 。 ” And the farmer said, “We'll see 。 ”

5 A couple days later, the new horse jumped a fence and ran away. Everyone in the village shook their heads and said, “What a poor fellow!” The farmer smiled and said, “We'll see 。 ” Eventually, the horse found his way home, and everyone again said, “What a fortunate man 。 ” The farmer said, “We‘ll see 。 ” Later in the year, the farmer's young boy went out riding on the horse and fell and broke his leg. Everyone in the village said, “What a shame for the poor boy 。 ”

6 The farmer said, “We'll see 。 ” Two days later, the army came into the village to draft new recruits. When they saw that the farmer's son had a broken leg, they decided not to recruit him 。 Everyone said, “What a fortunate young man 。 ” The farmer smiled again—and said “We'll see 。 ”

7 中國 : 西方 Notice the action, language and detailed description, but it a single character, less change, the lack of the main feeling. Focus on the character's psychological description, stressed that digging the subconscious of the inner character good at write fullness, change of the characters China compared to Western plot twists and turns, the story is more fully. The plot twists and turns, the story is full the unique artistic tradition of China.

8 Chinese language is concise and vivid, China absorbed the language of folk artists, also inherited the fine tradition of the ancient prose, often a few words will be able to outline the events, people. Western content is much more plentiful and informative.

9 The End Thank you for your listening

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