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Standard 2. Neolithic Revolution Fertile Crescent Epic of Gilgamesh Ziggurat Hammurabi’s Code Zoroaster Alphabet Money Economy Monsoons Mohejo-Daro Moksha.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard 2. Neolithic Revolution Fertile Crescent Epic of Gilgamesh Ziggurat Hammurabi’s Code Zoroaster Alphabet Money Economy Monsoons Mohejo-Daro Moksha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard 2

2 Neolithic Revolution Fertile Crescent Epic of Gilgamesh Ziggurat Hammurabi’s Code Zoroaster Alphabet Money Economy Monsoons Mohejo-Daro Moksha Castes Siddharta Gantama Asoka Cuneiform

3 Located in the Middle East between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers AKA- Fertile Crescent or “land between rivers” Unpredictable flooding or famine Settlers channeled river water to their crops (Irrigation) Rivers where also used in travel and trade


5 Polytheistic (Worship many gods- Marduk) Based on relationship with environment; fatalistic worldview Huge temples called ziggurats were built to please their gods Monotheistic (Worship only one god) Judaism has roots in region (Abraham from Harran) Originated with 10 Commandments & idea of a covenant Zoroastrianism originated through the Persian Empire Incorporated ideas of Judaism (Sin, Heaven/Hell, Judgment Day)


7 The majority of the region bartered (traded) for what they needed with neighboring regions, travelling on the rivers Later empires (such as Persians) switched to a money economy to centralize power and trade. Money economies use coins or tokens of agreed-upon value


9 City-states in the region had a rigid hierarchy Religious figures Merchants & Artisans Peasant farmers Women in this region honored and held high social standing (owing to the goddesses in the religion) but had very few legal rights


11 Area was made up of mostly independent city-states that were frequently attacked and occasionally conquered by invaders Because the area was fertile and in demand Two Distinct categories Assyrian/Babylonians in East Sumerians in West/South

12 Famous Conquerors of the Region Hittites, Assyrians, Persians Sargon of Akkad Created the first empire Hammurabi (Babylon) created the first written law code (Code of Hammurabi) Distinguished between criminal & civil law Over 200 crimes punishable by death Different punishments based on social status/wealth Darius (Persia) created the Royal Road, Persia’s money economy, & an organized structure for gov’t using satraps (local leaders)

13 Code of Hammurabi

14 Innovations of the Region Cuneiform Writing system designed by the Sumerian (Record Keeping) 1 st ever writing used Alphabet Writing system where a symbol represented a sound (Phoenicians) Later became the Greek alphabet & is part of our alphabet Ironworking Used to make stronger weapons for less expense (Hittites)


16 Located in South Asia AKA- Indian Subcontinent People of India deal with monsoons Seasonal winds that bring hot, dry air in the fall and a downpour of constant rain in the summer Civilization in this region began in the Indus River Valley


18 Birthplace of Hinduism & Buddhism Hinduism Polytheistic religion where followers seek moksha (enlightenment) through many lifetimes of good karma (deeds) and reincarnation Sacred text is the Vedas Emphasizes rigid castes (social roles) Buddhism Polytheistic religion based on the teachers of Siddharta Gautama Buddha (Nepalese prince) Teaches followers to seek nirvana (release) through the denial of pleasures & desires (Four Noble Truths)


20 Caste System Rigid social roles supported through Hindu teachings Began as a hierarchy imposed by ruling Aryans Evolved to strictly govern every aspect of life- dress, behavior, work, interactions, etc. Social Order Brahmins (Priests) Kshatriyas (Warriors) Vaishyas (Merchants) Shudras (Laborers) Dalits/Untouchables (Dirty Work/Slaves)


22 Ancient India was organized into well-planned cities (Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa) 2 Major Indian Empires Mauryans (321-185 BCE) Formed by Chandragupta Maurya Conquered areas and ruled a well-organized structure Effective but harsh against dissenters Ashoka was the most famous emperor Converted to Buddhism and spread it throughout the region Guptas (320-540 CE) Looser control that led to a “golden age” of learning in India


24 During the Gupta Dynasty, the concept of zero and the current numbering and decimal system was created Doctors of this period vaccinated against smallpox (1000 years before Europe)


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