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Heute ist Dienstag der 6te Oktober 2015 Lernziel: Vokabel/Grammatik Lesson.

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2 Heute ist Dienstag der 6te Oktober 2015 Lernziel: Vokabel/Grammatik Lesson


4 VOKABEL SPIEL Die Mausspeicherndrucken Antivirenprogramm Die SMS Das Papierkorb 5 Punkte 3 Punkte 1 Punkt herunterladen installieren 7 Punkte

5 VOKABEL SPIEL anschalten comuteranschluss Fernbedienung Die Tasteeinloggen Der Bildschirm 5 Punkte 3 Punkte 1 Punkt Der Benutzer Der Lautsprecher 7 Punkte

6 Grammatik – When the sentences has NO PREPOSITIONS!!!!!  What is a verb?  The action of the sentence  What is a subject?  The subject is the person or thing performing the verb  What is a direct object?  The direct object “receives” the verb  What is a indirect object?  The indirect object answers the question “for or to whom”

7 Let’s analyze a sentence: The mother bakes her children a birthday cake  The mother bakes her children a birthday cake  Ask yourself: “what is the verb?”  bakes  Ask yourself: “who is doing the baking?”  The mother. This is the subject.  Ask yourself: “what are they baking?”  The cake. This is the direct object.  Ask yourself: “to whom/for whom”  The children. This is the indirect object

8 NOTE:  All sentences need a subject and a verb!  This works the same in German  German uses different names for these items:  Subject = Nominative  Direct Object = Accusative  Indirect Object = Dative  A preposition changes everything  We will learn prepositions later

9 Und jetzt du: I gave my students a very difficult test  Ask yourself: “what is the verb?”  gave  Ask yourself: “who is doing the giving?”  I. This is the subject.  Ask yourself: “what are they giving?”  The tests. This is the direct object.  Ask yourself: “to whom/for whom”  The students. This is the indirect object

10 Und jetzt du: My taste buds found the pig roast absolutely amazing  Ask yourself: “what is the verb?”  found  Ask yourself: “who is doing the finding?”  Taste buds. This is the subject.  Ask yourself: “what are they finding?”  The pig roaster. This is the direct object.  Ask yourself: “to whom/for whom”  There is none!

11 Und jetzt auf deutsch: Ich lese meinen Schülern ein Buch  Ask yourself: “what is the verb?”  lese  Ask yourself: “who is doing the “lesen”?”  ich. This is the subject. IT IS NOMINATIVE  Ask yourself: “what are they reading (lesen)?”  A book. This is the direct object. IT IS ACCUSATIVE  Ask yourself: “to whom/for whom”  My students. THIS IS DATIVE

12 Now using the flowchart: Ich lese mein() gut() Schülern ein() lang() Buch  We will use the flowchart to determine the correct adjective possesive endings  Ask yourself: “what is the verb?”  lese  Ask yourself: “who is doing the “lesen”?”  ich. This is the subject. – THERE ARE NO ENDINGS/ARTICLES NEEDED HERE  Ask yourself: “what are they reading (lesen)?”  A book. This is the direct object. YOU NEED THE ACCUSATIVE CASE. – check flowchart- ein langes Buch  Ask yourself: “to whom/for whom”  Sch üler is the indirect object/dative case. Check the flowchart: Dative for plural! Meinen guten Schüler

13 Noch Mal!  (the) nett___ Junge schickt sein___ Mutter ein__ lang__ SMS (SMS is neuter and means text message).  Verb is “schickt” (to send). What is the subject?  The nett__ boy is doing the “sending” –This is nominative.  We need a “der” word adjective ending here!  Nominative and masculine => Der nette Junge.

14 Noch Mal!  (der) nette Junge schickt sein___ Mutter ein__ lang__ SMS. (SMS is neuterand meanst text message)  What is the young boy sending? This is the direct object.  The SMS is the direct object” –This is accusative.  We need a “ein” word adjective ending here!  Accusative and neuter=> ein langes SMS.

15 Noch Mal!  (der) nette Junge schickt sein___ Mutter ein langes SMS. (SMS is neuter and meanst text message)  Who is the young boy sending it to? This is the indirect object.  The mother is the indirect object” –This is dative case.  We need a “ein” word adjective ending here!  Dative and feminine=> seiner Mutter

16 Final Product  (der) nette Junge schickt sein___ Mutter eine lange SMS. (SMS is feminine and meanst text message)  Der nette Junge schickt seiner Mutter eine lange SMS

17 Flowchart: Made to ease your suffering and useless memorizing  If you want to take AP, you will need to memorize it!  You can use it on tests this year  Will give you the answer in every situation, provided you memorize the gender!  All articles (the, a/an), possessives (mein/dein/ihr), and adjective endings (eine gute Note) rely on the case (nominative/accusative/dative)  This should not be difficult. It will be easy if you TAKE YOUR TIME

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