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2 You need to use your mouse to see this presentation © Heidi Behrens

3 bei in seit mit auf hinter von nach aus zu für vor

4 Prepositions are little but powerful words like to, with, from, at, in, near, on etc. that have a big impact on whatever follows them. They tell you about direction, position, location, and so forth. Here we are going to look at the preposition in (in) describing WHERE something is

5 Have a look at the following 2 sentences Mein e Villa liegt am Strand. Ich wohne in ein er Villa.

6 Have you noticed……..? In sentence 1 my villa is Mein e Villa because it is (the doer!) of the sentence, i.e. the main player in the sentence. The Subject ( Nominativ)

7 Mein e Villa (Subject – Nominative) BECOMES (after in–DATIVE) In sentence 2 a villa follows the preposition in this triggers off the following change to the article that comes after in in ein er Villa

8 There is also a change with masculine nouns. Look…. Mein Wohnwagen ist schön. Ich wohne in ein em Wohnwagen

9 Mein Wohnwagen (Subject – N ominative) BECOMES (after in–DATIVE) In sentence 2 a caravan follows the preposition in this triggers off the following change to the article that comes after in in ein em Wohnwagen

10 Now lets have a look at neuter nouns. Mein Hotel ist sehr groß. Ich wohne in ein em Hotel

11 Mein Hotel (Subject – Nominative) BECOMES (after in – DATIVE) In sentence 2 a hotel follows the preposition in this triggers off the following change to the article that comes after in in ein em Hotel

12 Masc. Fem.NeuterPlural (M)ein Wohnwagen (M)ein e Villa (M)ein Hotel ein em W ohnwagen ein er Villa ein em Hotel The Subject (Nomina tive) after in (Dative)

13 Have you noticed……..?....these funny wordsNominative and Dative that keep cropping up?

14 The different forms of my or a have got special names my/a before the SUBJECT NOMINATIVE (m)ein (m) (m)eine (f) (m)ein (n) (m)eine (pl) my/a after preposition in DATIVE (m)einem (m) (m)einer (f) (m)einem (n) (m)einen (pl)

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