Student Employment Procedural Overview. Non-Work Study Student Employment.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Employment Procedural Overview. Non-Work Study Student Employment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Employment Procedural Overview

2 Non-Work Study Student Employment

3 Regular Student Employees (departmentally paid/not WS) Regular Student Assistant (1710)  For all student positions that are NOT involved in research or academic support – i.e. Front desk, building monitors, general clerical, ushers, food service, etc.  Jobs must be posted on the Eagle Network – Do not post requests no longer accepted  Maximum hours – 29 per week  Pay rates over $15 per hour require justification Student Academic Assistants (1705)  Job duties must include academic support – i.e. Tutors, Graders, Peer Mentors, some Lab Tech & Monitor positions  Also Performance and one-time event/project positions  Jobs are not required to be posted on the Eagle Network  Maximum hours – 29 per week  Pay rates over $20 per hour require justification

4 Student/Graduate Research (1351/1352)  Hourly positions where the student’s duties are based on research  Positions must be supervised by departmental faculty or directors of research centers  Graduate students can work 19 hours or less indefinitely or can work 20 hours or more per week for up to 4 months in a fiscal year  Undergraduate students can work no more than 29 hours per week  Pay rate above $20 per hour require justification

5 Things to Note  International students can typically work no more than 20 hours per week depending on their Visa status  They can usually work full time during semester breaks and over summer when not enrolled in classes

6 Things to Note Students may hold more than one job but they cannot exceed more than 29 hours between both positions. Job A + Job B < or = to 29 hours. **It is the responsibility of the hiring department’s supervisors to coordinate the student’s schedule to make sure the student is not exceeding 29 hours.

7 Things to Note  Students may remain employed through a semester of non- enrollment provided their intention is to re-enroll in the next long semester  If they are transferring to another University or not returning to school they cannot remain employed under student employment but may be converted to non-student part-time employees  Students who graduate may remain employed until the beginning of the next long (16 week) semester but then must end their employment or be converted to non-student part- time employees

8 The Eagle Network  All jobs General Student Assistant (1710) are required to be posted on the Eagle Network  Job ID # from the Eagle Network is required on the ePAR  ePAR submitted without a current job ID# will be denied  Old CW and HR numbers may no longer be used

9 Do I have to post?  Required  1710 Positions  All Work Study Positions  If you plan to accept applicants from both work study and non-work study students you must post the position twice – once as work study, and once as non-work study  Recommended  Any opening where you are recruiting from an open applicant pool  Why? Record keeping! If you do not post the position you must maintain manually:  How students were notified of job availability  Where posted  How long posted  Copy of notification/posting with job description  All applications Hint: Once you have posted the position once it’s easy to re-post in the future with just a couple of clicks – just select in the old post and your done!

10 Job Posting Approval Process  All new job postings have to go through an approval process before they become active.  Regular Hourly – approved by the Career Center  Work Study – approved by the Career Center and then the Work Study office Allow at least 2 days for hourly positions, and at least 4 days for work study positions to become active. **During exceptionally busy times such as the beginning of a long semester, it may take even longer. While we strive to activate the positions as quickly as possible, high volume could delay the time needed to properly review and activate the position.

11 Reporting A Hire Then Follow Prompts : Type Student Name Select Student from list Select Job Complete Placement Information Click Finish

12 Criminal Background Check **Required for all Student Assistants: Job Code 1710 Recommended for all student employees. Conducted through the Texas DPS. Form must include the student’s printed full name and signature. Also their Student ID, Birthdate, Hiring Department, and Supervisor. Must turn in the original copy. No email scans or fax. Must be legible!!!!! We have to be able to read the student’s handwriting to complete the background check. If we can’t read it, we will return it.  **The Student CANNOT begin working until the background check is complete!!  *Please allow 2-5 business days for background check to be completed

13 Criminal Background Check Supervisor will be notified by email when the student has cleared the background check. The Student Employment Office will call the supervisor if there is a “finding” on the student’s report. DPS regulations do not allow us to tell you the nature of the offense, only that there was one. It is up to the department to discuss the negative finding on the criminal history check with the student and to determine if the student will be hired. The department will need to notify the Student Employment Office of their decision.

14 A Note About ePAR Approvals Regular hourly payroll activation requires approval by the Career Center Work Study payroll activation requires approval by the Work Study office and then the Career Center Please do not wait until the end of a payroll period to submit a new payroll request. Approval volume can approach 300 or more daily during high volume times of the year. We cannot guarantee a last minute submissions can be approved unless received by the Career Center at least 48 hours in advance of a payroll closing.

15 * Financial Aid manual & annual agreements can be found online at: *Student Employment Policy can be found online at: * A Student Employment supervisors guide can be found at:

16 Your Student Employment Team *Email Work Study questions to: Career Center/Student Employment BSC *SFAS: Connie Williams @ 940-565-4638 Sherry Gleaton @ 940-565-3913 *Student Employment Office: Beverly Wilks @ 940-369-8118 *Business Service Center: 940-369-5500

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