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Kaitlyn Little 10/29/13. * Kindergarten & elementary school teachers prepare younger students for future schooling by teaching them the basics of subjects.

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1 Kaitlyn Little 10/29/13


3 * Kindergarten & elementary school teachers prepare younger students for future schooling by teaching them the basics of subjects such as math & reading. * They generally work school hours when students are present, & use nights & weekends to prepare lessons & grade papers.

4 * The average a teacher makes per year is around $34, 000 (to start out with).

5 * I will attend UTM. * Bachelor's Degree * Tuition $7,500

6 * Kindergarten Teacher

7 * I will be in a school building with students.

8 * At least 120 expected annual job openings.

9 * Teachers get incredible joy in seeing the difference they make as students gain new insights, become more interested in a subject & learn about themselves. Every day, teachers mold the future through impacting their students views & understandings. Teachers foster creativity, develop character, give students lenses with which to view the world and provide students with the skills they need to reach their potential & lead productive lives.

10 * Many individuals are attracted to teaching by a sense of service, because they want to make a clear, tangible difference in the lives of others. As a teacher, you see the fruits of your efforts everyday as you use your intelligence & creativity to help students become excited & learn about new things.

11 * Teachers often struggle with the challenges of school budget cuts, large classroom sizes, increasingly demanding curriculum requirements & lack of parental involvement. School district financial woes may equate to pay cuts, layoffs & a reduction of job benefits, such as healthcare & retirement, for many teachers.

12 * Some states have changed laws giving school districts more flexibility in eliminating tenured teaching positions. By eliminating tenured positions, districts are then able to hire new teachers for lower wages.

13 * Absolutely love little kids * Enthusiasm * Being a people person & enjoy working w/ a wide range of people * Being fair-minded * Keeping your cool under pressure * Having good practice & a good sense of humor

14 * Being a kindergarten teacher would be a good job for me, because I enjoy working with little ones & I have always wanted to be this every since I was little.

15 * Volunteering at Elementary School * Babysitting * Helping in Children’s Church

16 * eaching/qualities-good-teacher.html eaching/qualities-good-teacher.html * to-become-a-teacher to-become-a-teacher * jobs/elementary-school-teacher/salary jobs/elementary-school-teacher/salary

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