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Mary Meserve Bates College NEACRAO 2013 November 7, 2013.

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1 Mary Meserve Bates College NEACRAO 2013 November 7, 2013

2  Glossophobia  Public Speaking is often ranked #1 fear!  Before snakes…  and even death!!  75%  Common Symptoms  Physical  Verbal  Non-verbal/emotional

3  Identify the root of your fear  Self-conscious  That you will be laughed at  Perceived failure in the past  Preconceptions – what we think is what we are

4 Why is it a worthwhile skill to develop?  Successfully communicate ideas  Better grades in class  Be seen as a leader in your class, job, club  Can lead to promotions when you are in the workforce

5  Calm Anxiety  Acknowledge that fear is normal – you aren’t alone in this fear  Professional speakers and entertainers also battle “stage fright”  Change your perception of it to… “Stage Excitement!”

6  Deep Breathing  Breath from the diaphragm  Increase your oxygen intake  Decreases heart rate  Relaxes muscles  Improves vocal cords  Relax  Visualization  Visualize yourself speaking Olympic athletes use visualization before competition Takes some practice

7  Arrive early  Get comfortable in the space  Adjust environment settings i.e. seating  Preparation  Practice!  Bates Peer Writing & Speaking Center!

8  Know your Audience is on your side  They want you to succeed; they are on your side!  Focus on your material and what you are trying to communicate, not yourself and your nerves  You don’t have to be perfect, just “valuable”!

9  The Audience is your ally  Find out ahead of time who is your audience  What do they want to get from your presentation?  Remember, they come in hoping it will be informative and time well spent.  They are primarily focused on themselves and will only assume you are nervous if you telegraph that to them.

10  Build rapport with your audience  Deliver material in a relaxed, conversational style  Respect your audience, they are giving you their time and attention  Smile all the time, starting with your introduction  Establish eye contact  Pay attention to questions  Nothing “negative” can happen… depending on how you look at it

11  Keep audience involved  Ask for show of hands, do demonstration  Move around  Smile  Eye Contact  Adjust to the size of group  Gestures  Know if you need a microphone ahead of time

12  Should I memorize it? NO!  Too much pressure to remember each word and that isn’t where your focus should be  Should I read from a speech? NO!  Audiences don’t usually like to be read to unless you are reading a quote or short remarks

13  Use notes  Index cards work well  Be sure to keep them brief and number them  Practice with your notes  Visual aides  Power point  Be sure to make hand-outs for audience so they can take notes

14  Humor  Use what you are comfortable with  Don’t pressure yourself to be Jim Carey  Be natural – plan ahead and save humorous anecdotes that are relevant  Use your own stories and we all have them

15  Body Language  You are a visual aide!  Be mindful of Gestures Voice Posture Movement Eye contact Overall appearance

16  Expect the unexpected  Practice in front of family/friends – great feedback!  Don’t expect perfection  Don’t be your own worst enemy, instead be your own best friend… Your best friend would say “You’ll be great!” …and they are right!!!

17  Mary Meserve  Registrar  Bates College  44 Mountain Ave  Lewiston, ME 04240   207-755-7940

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