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Is not the Kehukee Association, with all her numerous and respectable friends, called on in Providence, in some way to step forward in support of that.

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Presentation on theme: "Is not the Kehukee Association, with all her numerous and respectable friends, called on in Providence, in some way to step forward in support of that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is not the Kehukee Association, with all her numerous and respectable friends, called on in Providence, in some way to step forward in support of that missionary spirit which the great God is so wonderfully reviving amongst the different denominations of good men in various parts of the world? Elder Martin Ross, Kehukee Baptist Association, 1803 “O Lord, I have heard thy speech and was afraid: O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy” Habakkuk 3:2. Elder Martin Ross, June 1805 The Missionary Question

2 Paradigm  Paradigm : A n accepted model or pattern.  Paradigm Shift : When the dominant way of thinking or organizing is replaced with a radically different way of thinking or organizing.  Shifts occur dramatically not gradually.  Competing paradigms are incommensurable. Paradigm Shift

3 Paradigm Shifts in Missions #1 Proclaiming the Evangelical Message : High Calvinism - Evangelical Calvinism #2 Utilizing Means to Advance World Evangelization : Congregationalism - Denominationalism #3 Participating in the Mission of God: Anthropocentric and Denominational – Theocentric and Postdenominational

4 “Whether the command given to the apostles to ‘teach all nations,’ was not obligatory on all succeeding ministers to the end of the world, seeing that the accompanying promise was of equal extent.” William Carey: Northampton Baptist Association, September 1785 The Missionary Query

5 Heralds of Evangelical Calvinism “If faith in Christ be the duty of the ungodly, it must of course follow that every sinner, whatever be his character, is completely warranted to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of his soul. Andrew Fuller, The Gospel Worthy of All Acceptation, 1785 Robert Hall, Sr., preached for the Northampton Assn, May 26, 1779, on the text “Cast ye up, cast ye up, prepare the way, take up the stumbling- block out of the way of my people” (Isa 57:14). Robert Hall, Sr., preached for the Northampton Assn, May 26, 1779, on the text “Cast ye up, cast ye up, prepare the way, take up the stumbling- block out of the way of my people” (Isa 57:14). “The way to Jesus is graciously laid open for everyone who chooses to come to him.” Help to Zion’s Travelers, 1781 “The preaching that has been most blessed of God, and most profitable to men, is the doctrine of sovereign grace in the salvation of souls, mixed with a little of what is called Arminianism.” John Leland, Letter of Valediction on Leaving Virginia in 1791

6 Baptist Missionary Society “Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen the cords, and strengthen thy stakes” (Isaiah 54:2-3). “Expect great things. Attempt great things.” William Carey, May 30, 1792

7 Formation of Mission Societies English Baptists – BMS formed in May 1792 and sent William Carey to India as a missionaryEnglish Baptists – BMS formed in May 1792 and sent William Carey to India as a missionary American Baptists – in 1814 Triennial Convention began supporting the mission work of Adonirim and Ann Judson in BurmaAmerican Baptists – in 1814 Triennial Convention began supporting the mission work of Adonirim and Ann Judson in Burma European Baptists – Johann Oncken lived the motto “Every Baptist a missionary” ( Jeder Baptist ein Missionar )European Baptists – Johann Oncken lived the motto “Every Baptist a missionary” ( Jeder Baptist ein Missionar ) African Baptists – Lott Carey 1 st American Baptist Missionary to Africa. Worked in Liberia. Died in 1832. Lott Carey Mission Convention founded in 1897.African Baptists – Lott Carey 1 st American Baptist Missionary to Africa. Worked in Liberia. Died in 1832. Lott Carey Mission Convention founded in 1897.

8 How do we recover the compelling sense of universal missionary obligation that earlier generations understood at least partially in national terms and reattach that compulsion to where, theologically, it ought to be fixed—to the Christian doctrine of the church itself? Brian Stanley, Historian of Missions, Edinburgh University Recovering the Missionary Obligation for a Postdenominational Church in a Postcolonial World

9 “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” John 20:21

10 The task of Christian mission, then, is simply understood as proclaim- ing the kingdom of the Father, as sharing the life of the Son, and as bearing the witness of the Spirit. Lesslie Newbigin, The Open Secret: An Introduction to the Theology of Mission, 1995 Participating in the Mission of God

11 Living Missionally After Christendom 1.Practice the Faith As You Go … Make Disciples 2.Follow the Plan Baptize and Teach 3.Go with God I Am With You

12 Are not Fellowship Baptists of North Carolina, with all our many friends and partners, called on in Providence, to step forward and participate in the mission of God, wherever and with whomever, whenever we see God at work in our world? Missional Query for an New Millennium

13 How about you?

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