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Globalization Chapter 36. After the fall of Communism, everyone worked together to make Democracies & Capitalism around the world Everyone working together.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization Chapter 36. After the fall of Communism, everyone worked together to make Democracies & Capitalism around the world Everyone working together."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization Chapter 36

2 After the fall of Communism, everyone worked together to make Democracies & Capitalism around the world Everyone working together = not focused on Nationalism anymore but GLOBALIZATION! – Everyone works together – Global economy – Global society

3 Time period we are in NOW! Advances in Science & Tech. – improved communications & transportation – Goods & ideas = moved rapidly Inventions & innovations – brought the nations of the world closer together – Blending cultures & customs Nations have expanded trade – national boundaries have blurred & there’s a global market Nations have worked together to ensure security – terrorism

4 Globalization: Science, Technology, & Culture Part 1

5 Outer Space & the Solar system 1 st arena where US & SU cooperated together Sent international crews (ppl from all over the world) Most ambitious cooperative space venture: International Space Station

6 International Space Station Americans, Russians A project in space to build a space station for everyone in the world 1998-2009 Most ambitious cooperative space venture; covers the size of a football field & can be seen by the naked eye on earth

7 Technology- Communications The world is a global village – Satellites Can see what’s going on on the other side of the world right now! – Computer 1940s- one huge room for 1 comp!! Miniaturization of the computer = to help the space program & put comps in the shuttles – Industries used comps to run businesses – People put them in homes Internet


9 Scientific Advancements New technologies: (1960s-1970s) – Microscopes – Laser – ultrasound Effects of these technologies: – Advanced medicine & surgical techniques – Improved health care – Genetics became popular Genetic Engineering Cloning

10 Genetic Engineering Scientists A scientific technology where you isolate & examine individual genes that are responsible for different traits World 1980s Scientists were then able to introduce new genes into an organism to give that organism new traits = you can manufacture certain traits that you want =‘rents have babies that are genetically engineered = lotsa probs & controversy

11 Cloning Scientists The creation of identical copies of DNA World 1990s Allows scientists to reproduce plants & animals that are identical to existing plants & animals Humans start to want to clone animals & people – (Ms. Wilson wants to clone her dog… )

12 Green Revolution Agricultural scientists A campaign that was an attempt to increased food production worldwide by promoting fertilizer, pesticides, & high-yield disease resistant crops World 1960s

13 Why: Helped avert famine & increase crop yields around the world Resistance to pests built into plants Plants are bed to tolerate poor soil conditions Holds promise for creating food for an expanding pop. BUT fertilizers& pesticides = dangerous chemicals = cancer, pollution Cost = too high for avg. farmer = small farmers gradually went away for larger agricultural businesses

14 Globalization: Economy Part 2

15 Nations have expanded trade – national boundaries have blurred & there’s a global market Imports/exports “Made in China”

16 After WWII- America has the $$ - helps out the rest of the world – As a result: Asia & W. Europe = advances in science & tech. = improvements in industry = change in Economy! No longer factory focused = Information focused! – Transmit info quickly & cheaply – Financial services, insurance, market research, & communication services boomed! – “Knowledge workers”, no longer factory workers

17 Expansion of the world’s economies – Increase in production of goods & services Many nations benefitted Economic base shifted: – Developed nations: used to have manufacturing jobs – Emerging nations: now got the manufacturing jobs

18 Developed Nations People of developed nations Nations with industrialization, transportations, business facilities for advanced production of goods US, Japan, GB, France, Germany 1950s-present Manufacturing jobs moved away from these nations towards Emerging nations; instead they focused more on Information industries w. Knowledge workers – Required more educated workers

19 Emerging Nations Peoples of emerging nations Nations that were in the process of becoming industrialized after WWII Asia, S. Africa (parts of the 3 rd world) 1950s-present Manufacturing left the developed nations & came to the emerging nations to help them industrialize; these became prime locations for new manufacturing operations; – workers worked on less $ than in developed nations = made goods cheaper


21 This led to a Global Economy- where the emerging nations made the goods & sold them to the Developed nations- so nearly everyone is industrialized and trading with each other

22 Global Economy All financial interactions among people, businesses, & gov’ts that cross international borders World 1900s- now Multinational corporations- goods are distributed throughout the world as if no national boundaries Free trade- eliminating trade barriers, lowering of tarriffs, & free flow of goods, services Regional trade blocs: EEC, EU, NAFTA

23 Free Trade A major goal of globalization, the elimination of trade barriers such as tariffs among nations World 1940s- now Nations discussed a way to bring about free trade = GATT meeting – General lowering of protective tariffs – Expansion of free trade – Trade among nations flows smoothly & freely as possible

24 Regional trade blocs.. EEC- European Economic Community(1957)- tariff free-trade among members of the organization Became the EU- European Union (1992) Economic union – Europe exerted a powerful force in the world – Inspired other regional bloc agreements (NAFTA)

25 NAFTA (not a NC) North American Free Trade Agreement Gradual elimination of tariffs and trade restrictions – Canada, US, Mexico

26 Controversy FOR Globalization Promotes peace through trade Raises the standard of living throughout the world Creates jobs in emerging countries Promotes investment in less developed nations Creates a sense of world community AGAINST Globalization Creates conflict because of an inherently unfair system Benefits developed nations disproportionately Takes jobs from high-paid laborers in developed jobs Benefits those who already have money Erodes local cultures

27 Has led to problems… Political probs Manufacturing = you need energy – to get energy = OIL for gas – Nations w. little oil reserve R dependent on those with lots of it – Nations w. lots of oil can control those that don’t (ME) Conflicts = war Environmental probs Burning of coal & oil = carbon dioxide – = air pollution & acid rain – Global warming Destruction of Ozone layer Increase of ultraviolet rays – Skin cancer rises Large-scale soil erosion – Habitat destruction – extinction

28 Ozone layer The layer in earth’s upper atmosphere which is our main protection against the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays World 1900s- now With an increase in UV radiation = the incidence of skin cancer continues to rise throughout the world Damages plants & plankton @ the base of food chains which sustain all life on earth

29 Economists & Scientists – reduce the negative effects Goal: Manage development so growth can occur but w.o destroying air, water, land = Sustainable Growth

30 Sustainable Growth Economists, Scientists A concept of “Greener growth” to meet economic needs, while ensuring the preservation of the environment and the conservation of resources for future generations World 1990s- now Leads to living “green”, more natural foods & products to avoid destruction of our environment



33 Globalization: Security Part 3

34 After WWII… People r super scared about: Devastating global war again Atomic bomb/ Nuclear war So they are super focused on Global Security

35 Issues of Security: War & Peace Human Rights Health Population movement

36 A. War & Peace Issue of security #1

37 Ways to keep security: Strong military Military alliances- NATO, SEATO, Warsaw UN Peacekeeping activities Restrict weapons

38 UN Peacekeeping Major aim of UN: peacekeeping – Public forum – Private meeting places – Skilled mediators – Peacekeeping forces Soldiers from all over the world

39 Weapons of Mass Destructions (WMDs) Treaties to limit the manufacturing, testing, & trade of weapons Nuclear, chemical, & biological weapons Iraq- CREATED WMDs!! So the UN tried to disarm… again & again… (aka Iraqi Wars..)

40 Terrorism

41 Reasons: Gaining independence Expelling foreigners Changing society Radical religious/cultural motives – destroy forces of evil

42 Terrorism An international problem of security where: The use of violence agnst ppl or property to force changes in societies or govts World 1960s-present

43 Why: Recently have increased dramatically Increasingly destructive, high-profile attacks to get attention & reach their goals Target things they are agnst to gain most attention 9/11

44 Responses to Terrorism: Antiterrorism measures – Department of Homeland Security – USA Patriot Act Aviation security – Install bars on airplane doors – Sky marshals – Aviation & Transportatoin Security Act

45 B. Human rights Issue of security #2

46 Universal Declaration of Human Rights A UN issued document that set human rights standards for all nations stating that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity & rights UN Member nations 1948-now Inspired people throughout the world to ensuring basic human rights are respected Identify & publicize human rights violations Encourages ppl to work toward liberty & justice guaranteed for all

47 Serious violations of fundamental rights still occurred: Gov’ts stamping out Political Dissent – Cuba – Iran – Rwanda The status of women- Gender inequality

48 Gender Inequality Men vs. women The difference between men & women in terms of their wealth & status World Forever Human rights fights agnst this: Women r discriminated, denied education & jobs, domestic violence agnst women Considered inferior to men b.c. patriarchal society Improving but still not everywhere

49 C. Health Issue of security #3

50 Decent standard of health – basic human right BUT most still have poor health With global communications & economy – disease spreads rapidly!! Global health faced threats: – SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) – AIDS

51 AIDS People throughout the world Acquired immune deficiency syndrome; a disease that attacks the immune system leaving the sufferer to deadly infection World 1980s-now AIDS has claimed the lives of 25 mill ppl 6500 ppl die per day from AIDS 42 mill were living w. HIV in 2002 Sub-suharan Africa has suffered the most

52 D. Population movement Issue of security #4

53 Global movement of people- increased dramatically Positive causes Hope for a better life for themselves and their children Negative causes Feel pushed out of homeland Lack of food due to drought, natural disaster, political oppression

54 Refugees People who leave their country to move to another to find safety Developing countries to Developed 1970s-now

55 Effects/Why: Hundreds of thousands migrate per year Migrating from war-torn, famine-stricken, politically unstable countries BUT the country they want to go to might not accept them Face uncertain future- refugee camps Offset labor shortages in new country Bring experiences that can spur the economy Contribute to a new culture


57 1946  7,000 TV sets in the U. S. 1950  50,000,000 TV sets in the U. S. Baby Boom Consumerism Suburban Living “Teenager” Specified Gender roles



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