Joint Standards Initiative VOICE Members 16 th October 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Standards Initiative VOICE Members 16 th October 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Standards Initiative VOICE Members 16 th October 2012

2 Joint Standards Initiative Overall objective of JSI “to achieve greater coherence for stakeholders and users of standards in order to improve humanitarian action to affected populations”

3 Joint Standards Initiative Principles underpinning the process JSI process and decision-making is informed by robust evidence No pre-determined outcome Consultation to be wide-ranging, representative and objective Adequate representation from affected populations & Global South Complementary with SCHR Certification Review

4 Joint Standards Initiative JSI key components Stakeholder Consultation - to provide evidence Working Group on Standards & Organisation JSI communications – Standards Forum - in Switzerland, June 2013 Joint activities – training, guides, deployments

5 Joint Standards Initiative JSI Progress to date High degree of trust & commitment between the 3 initiatives JSI Steering Group meeting monthly JSI staff employed and hosted in London Proposal developed and funding secured; SCHR, Danida, SDC JSI Working Group met on 27/9 and agreed ways of working Stakeholder Consultation ‘approach’ defined and agreed Initial planning for consultation events and Standards Forum

6 Joint Standards Initiative JSI Next Steps Oct 2012 : Recruit Consultant & design survey. Nov 2012 - Feb 2013 : Stakeholder Consultation. Early Mar 2013 : Organisational review, based on findings. End Mar 2013 : Working Group recommendations published Apr 2013 : Boards of 3 initiatives consider recommendations Jun 2013 : Standards Forum in Geneva, to consider process, findings and recommendations.

7 Joint Standards Initiative 1. Rationale for JSI Is the ‘problem’ proliferation or poor implementation? What are the challenges you face with multiple sets of standards? How do you/your agency deal with this complexity? How could a recasting of standards help fieldworkers? What might a useful integrated standard look like?

8 Joint Standards Initiative 2. Consultation with Stakeholders Who are the key stakeholders? What are the key issues we should be consulting our stakeholders on? How would you like to be consulted?

9 Joint Standards Initiative 3. Future Perspectives How would you like the humanitarian quality and accountability architecture to look in 5 years time? What are the steps to reach this future state?

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