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Interview Task Assignment 2014. Description The Interview Task involves talking with an individual who is a member of a different ethnic group than your.

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1 Interview Task Assignment 2014

2 Description The Interview Task involves talking with an individual who is a member of a different ethnic group than your own, in order to achieve some understanding of the impact of culture on daily life.

3 Description You will need to conduct your interview in a specific format (provided by Instructor). During the interview, you will keep notes in order to complete a 7-8-page paper about your interview experience. You are to spend two additional hours with the interviewee (i.e., sharing pictures, stories, having lunch) to learn more about them as an individual and their life experiences.

4 Specifics If you are planning to pick an ethnic Caucasian: Remember that heritage and “ethnic” are two separate concepts—they are NOT always the same. For an example, while a person may be of Jewish heritage, he or she may not be “ethnically” Jewish. If the person attends temple, follows the Kosher laws, and celebrates Jewish holidays, he or she may be considered “ethnically” Jewish because the individual has retained cultural practices of Jewish culture. However, if the individual is of Jewish heritage, but has NOT maintained any uniquely ethnic Jewish customs, the individual may not be considered “ethnically” Jewish. Inquire about their ethnic and cultural background, be comprehensive and detailed for an accurate interview and paper.

5 More Directives The Interview Task involves talking with a individual who is a member of a different ethnic group than your own, in order to achieve some understanding of the impact of culture on daily life. This cannot include a family friend or member. Choosing an Interviewee: When choosing an interviewee, there are a few questions to consider: What is the ethnic background of the interviewee? What do you perceive as their ethnic background? What do they perceive as their ethnic background? Why is their ethnic background different from your own? What are the characteristics of the individual that make them uniquely ethnic? Can someone be ethnic and “acculturated” at the same time?

6 Interview Guide Follow the questions that evolve around: General Background – 3 points Immigration/History – 10 points Transition – 10 points Family Values – 15 points Apply Concepts – 10 Points Writing - 2 points Applying Concepts Students are required to apply the class content within each section. Specifically, identify the various terms that apply addressed in lecture and readings. Provide insight on how the findings overlap and reflect class material, theories, and models. Your integration of the class material must demonstrate an understanding of your knowledge gained from the class. 4 points for every day late

7 How does one Apply Concepts? For this section, address ethnic identity, acculturation, assimilation, cultural transmission, cultural values, discrimination, prejudiced, and other important terms. Consider telling the reader about your interviewee's ethnic identity stage and their means of navigating mainstream culture if appropriate.

8 How does one Apply Concepts? Make sure to cite the literature and make reference to the terms and information. Reference your readings, lectures, and any important media that will help you build your paper. Quote your interviewee and support your statements

9 Grading See the points allotted to each section Writing and Quality of Paper If late, deduct 4 points automatically per day (46/50). The student is to use complete sentences. If there are grammatical errors, deduct 0-1 points. The best papers will be those with good examples, good reflection, external articles or reference to class, proper citations (APA). Quality papers will be well thought out, comprehensive with background and supportive statements. Conclusions cannot be made without substantive evidence. Organization of the paper is important. The student is not to present the story randomly.

10 Documents Data that will help you do your paper includes ◦ Letters, pictures, diaries, etc You are not REQUIRED to get any certificates. Do NOT ask their immigration status ◦ Do not request citizenship papers  Some people just share them out of pride

11 Gifts Given the time spent, all students are required to give a small gift of appreciation to the family. It is recommended you MAKE the gift: ◦ Craft ◦ Video ◦ Album ◦ Power point ◦ A poster, collage, drawn picture

12 Recommendations for Best Results Make sure the interview is a good time for the interviewee Visit the questions prior to the interview Have recording supplies Be a participant observer ◦ Take detailed, extensive notes Ask questions

13 Pre-Interview Sheet Date of interview Place of interview Sex Age Education Occupation or other position

14 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE INTERVIEW: 1. Introduction  Purpose of assignment  Length of time  Promises of anonymity  Why selected  Indicate that some questions may be silly or difficult to answer  Interviewer will tell respondent about self  Ask permission to tape or record Not for publication Receive copy

15 Other Tips Flexible Format  No need to follow a rigid agenda  Go with the flow NO Leading Questions ◦ Don’t you think that... vs. How likely would you say that Attending, thinking, taking notes, and taping

16 More Orientation Have the set of questions with you Build an understanding and positive relationship with the interviewee Recognize when the interviewee’s ideas are clearly expressed or when they need more elaboration

17 More on the Questions Provide neutral agreement or acknowledgement of statements, Oh, I see and uh-hm vs. YOU DID WHAT??? Repeat what the person said in a questioning way - You sent your brother …..?? Requesting more information ◦ Could you tell me a little more about why.. Ask for clarification of meaning ◦ what did you mean by, can you further explain

18 Order Level of abstractness ◦ Easy to hard ◦ Non- sensitive to sensitive back to non- sensitive  don’t leave them feeling awkward

19 Additional Tips Show interest ◦ Be alert, eye contact ◦ follow-up with other questions Animated and spontaneous Professional Respectful Polite Time-Consciousness

20 Last Thoughts Take a mini tour of the house, without being too intrusive Observe people interactions Don’t let the interview end and start when you sit and get off the chair Do you have anything else to add? When having lunch, let them pick the place - eat at the home if invited

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