How To Update Public Holiday SAP HCM. Public holidays describe the statutory holidays for a particular country or region within a country. Types of Public.

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Presentation on theme: "How To Update Public Holiday SAP HCM. Public holidays describe the statutory holidays for a particular country or region within a country. Types of Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Update Public Holiday SAP HCM

2 Public holidays describe the statutory holidays for a particular country or region within a country. Types of Public holidays: - Fixed date - Fixed day of week from a specific date - Specific number of days before or after Easter (Sunday) - Easter Sunday - Moveable holiday (with individual specification of dates during each specified year). This tutorial will focus on the configuration of Moveable Holiday.

3 1. On Change Public Holidays: Overview screen click Create button. T-Code : SCAL IMG SPRO -> Time Management -> Work Schedules

4 2. A pop up window appear to select the Type of Public Holiday. 3. Select Floating Public Holiday

5 4. Enter the Public Holiday into relevant boxes: Year/Month/Day (e.g. 2012, 12, 30). 5. Enter the Public Holiday Attributes and click Insert Date icon.

6 6. Assign Public Holiday in Holiday Calendar. Select the radio button “Holiday Calendar” 7. On the Change Public Holiday Calendar Overview screen, click the create button. 8. Click on the Assign Holiday button to assign the holiday.

7 9. From the Insert Public Holidays into Holiday Calendar screen, search for the respective calendar and select the holidays you want to allow. 10. Click on the Assign button.

8 11. Define validity period of the calendar. 12. Save Changes and proceed with the transport.

9 Thank You!!! #InspireToInnovate

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