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 Settled in Florida, Texas area, and Mexico.  Settled in Central America and South America.  Found gold.  Wanted to bring the Catholic faith.

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Presentation on theme: " Settled in Florida, Texas area, and Mexico.  Settled in Central America and South America.  Found gold.  Wanted to bring the Catholic faith."— Presentation transcript:


2  Settled in Florida, Texas area, and Mexico.  Settled in Central America and South America.  Found gold.  Wanted to bring the Catholic faith.

3  Wanted settlements in the New World  Wanted to find gold like the Spanish.  Tried several times unsuccessfully.  Tried to settle on Roanoke Island.

4  Tried to settle on Roanoke again.  John White was leader of the colony.  Men, women, and children.  White left for England to get supplies.  Took 3 years to return.  Colonists had disappeared.  Found CRO carved on a tree.

5  No one knows for sure what happened to the colonists.  Did they go and live with the nearby Croatoan Indians?  Were they killed?  Did they try to sail away themselves?

6  1606, English merchants began the Virginia Company of London.  Wanted to build a settlement in North America.  Received a charter from the king.  To get money for ships and supplies, they had people invest in the company.

7  1607, about 100 men and boys traveled to Virginia.  Built a fort on the banks of the river.  Named for King James I.

8  The land was swampy.  Poor drinking water.  Insects carried diseases.  Most of the men were gentlemen who did not know how to farm and hunt.  Wanted to hunt for gold instead of working.  Ran out of food.  Many died from disease and starvation.

9  John Smith took command of the settlement.  He ordered people to work.  “He who does not work, will not eat.”  Life was still hard.  Smith went back to England.  That winter was known as the “starving time.”

10  John Rolfe learned from the Indians about tobacco.  Tobacco became a cash crop.  Tobacco gave the colony income to buy needed items.  First indentured servants helped and later slaves.

11  Lived in the area.  Traded with and helped colonists.  The English did not treat the Powhatans well.  Often there was fighting.  Stories tell that the chief’s daughter, Pocahontas, saved John Smith’s life.  She later married John Rolfe.  There was peace for a while.

12  Church of England  Some people had different beliefs and separated from the church.  Separatists  One group, the Pilgrims, wanted religious freedom.  Moved to the Netherlands.

13  Pilgrims wanted to leave the Netherlands.  Virginia Company agreed to let the Pilgrims start a colony in Virginia.  1602, about 100 men, women, and children set sail on the Mayflower.  Fierce storms pushed the ship off course.  Landed on the coast of Massachusetts.

14  Because they did not land in Virginia, they would not be governed by the Virginia Company.  The passengers created their own plan for government.  Called the plan the Mayflower Compact.

15  Colony was named Plymouth after a town in England.  The settlers had a hard time at first  Landed in November.  Too late to plant crops.  Not enough food.  About half of the Pilgrims died that winter.

16  Squanto helped the Pilgrims.  Showed them how to plant corn and fertilize with little fish.  Introduced the Pilgrims to Massasoit, the leader of the Wampanoag.  William Bradford, governor, agreed to live in peace.  The colony became more successful.

17  Pilgrims learned to hunt and fish.  Supplies arrived from England.  Fall of 1621  Pilgrims decided to have a feast to thank God.  50 Pilgrims and 90 Wampanoags celebrated.  Feast lasted 3 days.

18  The Puritans were another group unhappy with the Church of England.  Did not want to separate, but to make their church more pure.  John Winthrop- governor  Better prepared than Pilgrims.  Sailed in March to allow time for planting.  Large group of people with many skills.

19  1630  Named after the Massachuset Indians.  Present-day Boston.  Very successful.  Many more Puritans came from England.


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