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Scientific Method Step 4b (pg. 19) : Design an experiment METHOD/PROCEDURE: - This is a carefully written step-by-step set of guidelines that one would.

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2 Scientific Method Step 4b (pg. 19) : Design an experiment METHOD/PROCEDURE: - This is a carefully written step-by-step set of guidelines that one would follow in order to complete a task to test the hypothesis.

3 Make sure that you include the following: a. Give a detailed explanation of how you will conduct the experiment to test your hypothesis. b.Ensure that the variables are included (i.e. How is the IV changed? How is the DV measured? How are the CVs kept constant? Include the I, U, T from your fishbone organizer.) c.Include the number of trials to be conducted. Part A: Plan first (pg. 21) : An example is to use the comic strip method for planning.

4 In the following experiment, the problem is, “What factors affect the boiling point of water?” This student suggested that the initial temperature of the water will affect how fast the water will boil. Here is a possible plan that the student might design. Take 3 beakers of the same size. Fill one beaker with cold water, one beaker with room temperature water and one beaker with warm water. Place each beaker on a hot plate and time how long it takes for the water to boil. Repeat each step 3 times.

5 2. When conducting your experiment, make a note of any changes, additions and corrections (italicized). Take 3-250 ml beakers. Label one beaker “ cold ”, one beaker “ room temperature ” and the third beaker “ warm ”. Fill one beaker with 200 mL cold water, one beaker with 200 mL room temperature water and one beaker 200 mL with warm water. Record the temperature, in °C, of each sample with a thermometer. Place each beaker on a hot plate (set at level 3) and time (in minutes, using a stop watch) how long it takes for the water to boil. Repeat each step 3 times.

6 Part B: 3. After the experiment, write your method using these general guidelines: (fill in pg. 22) As it was actually done, with specific details using complete sentences. In the past tense. No personal pronouns (I, we, me, our) Numbered. Now write out the numbered “good copy” of your procedure. Remember to use the general guidelines given above. You do not have to fill all the boxes.

7 Scientific Method Step 5: Results DATA - information collected during the experiment Quantitative information -measurements and numerical information OBSERVATIONS - written description of what was noticed during the experiment Qualitative information - observed using senses Note: Your results must include BOTH qualitative and quantitative information unless you are told otherwise (see pg. 23 for examples of each and some practice in identifying them)

8 The Observation Table (pg. 24) Observations are frequently organized in an Observation Table. A typical table will have the following structure (see pg. 24) : Table number and title The row headings are your IV The recorded data is your DV And trials are listed across the top

9 Observations Examples of a good QT and QL observation tables: Table 1: Blast off times of different temperatures of water Water Temp. (ºC) Time to “blast off” (s) Average time (s) Trial 1Trial 2 Trial 3 556. 755.44.75.1 5.07 Sample Calculation: 7.9 + 7.6 + 6.8 = 7.43 s 3 Complete Questions: Complete #1-3 on page 24. Table 2: Qualitative Observations Water Temp. (°C) BeforeDuringAfter 25 °C 55 °C 75 °C

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