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Republican Party –Party that was founded to oppose slavery –Tends to be? Democratic Party –Party that is a descendent of Jefferson’s Democratic Republican.

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Presentation on theme: "Republican Party –Party that was founded to oppose slavery –Tends to be? Democratic Party –Party that is a descendent of Jefferson’s Democratic Republican."— Presentation transcript:

1 Republican Party –Party that was founded to oppose slavery –Tends to be? Democratic Party –Party that is a descendent of Jefferson’s Democratic Republican Party –Solid South –Tends to be?

2 Republican vs. Democrat Republican Presidents (Good Old Party) Eisenhower Ford Nixon Reagan Bush, Sr. Bush, Jr Democratic Presidents Roosevelt Truman Kennedy Johnson Carter Clinton

3 Politics Electoral College Primary election Democratic Nomination Republican Nomination Lobbying Special Interest Groups Campaign Third Party Candidate – Nader/Perot The Press

4 President Kennedy First Catholic President New Frontier Program – Space program and Peace Corps Assassinated on November 1963

5 President Johnson Great Society – “War on Poverty” –Programs aimed at reducing poverty –VISTA, Medicare, Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Economic Opportunity Troop build up in Vietnam caused protests at home –Kent State

6 President Nixon Reducing the size of the governmental bureaucracy – New Federalism Rapid inflation –Wage-price freeze Environmental legislation, Workforce Legislation

7 President Ford Rebuild the image of the President –Pardon Nixon? Amnesty to draft dodgers? Increasing Inflation –Oil Embargo: OPEC placed on the U.S. for supporting Israel.

8 Carter Stagflation – inflation of prices and the stagnation/stalled –Unemployment high –Inflation/prices high Trade deficit growing Energy problems – pollution and 3 Mile Island

9 President Reagan “Trickle Down Economics”/Supply Side Economics (Reaganomics) –Give breaks to the rich and big business and in return they will create more jobs and better paying jobs for the lower classes. Increased money spent on defense, decreased money spent on social welfare programs, limited immigration Large trade deficit that only increased throughout administration

10 President Bush, Sr. VP of Reagan Due to increasing deficit increased taxes Economic recession –Unemployment rose and layoffs increased –Savings and loans Scandal Appointed 2 Supreme Court Justices LA Riots

11 President Clinton Health-care Reform – rejected by Congress Republican Controlled Congress – ie very hard to get legislation passed Social Security begins to become shaky Appointed 2 Supreme Court Justices Economic Prosperity Scandal and Impeachment

12 President Bush, Jr. 2000 election – went to the Supreme Court Tax Cut Educational Reform –No Child Left Behind Economy strong and growing Defict Spending?

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