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Chapter 11, Part 1 Shaping Public Opinion. I. Public Opinion & where it comes from.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11, Part 1 Shaping Public Opinion. I. Public Opinion & where it comes from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11, Part 1 Shaping Public Opinion

2 I. Public Opinion & where it comes from

3 What do you think about Abortion? Death Penalty? Taxes?

4 I. Public Opinion & where it comes from What do you think about Abortion? Death Penalty? Taxes? Does your opinion shape public policy?

5 I. Public Opinion & where it comes from What do you think about Abortion? Death Penalty? Taxes? Does your opinion shape public policy? –The War in Iraq…has public opinion shaped policy?

6 a. Opinions are like _________, everyone has one.

7 Public opinion is the total of all the opinions out there on an issue

8 a. Opinions are like _________, everyone has one. Public opinion is the total of all the opinions out there on an issue Influenced by many factors

9 a. Opinions are like _________, everyone has one. Public opinion is the total of all the opinions out there on an issue Influenced by many factors –family; shared experiences

10 a. Opinions are like _________, everyone has one. Public opinion is the total of all the opinions out there on an issue Influenced by many factors –family; shared experiences –Other people; a we grow older, workers, friends, etc

11 b. Information shapes public opinion b. Information shapes public opinion.

12 b. Information shapes public opinion The Mass Media; all forms that communicate and transmit information to large groups of people

13 b. Information shapes public opinion The Mass Media; all forms that communicate and transmit information to large groups of people Books, magazines, newspapers, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Internet, etc

14 b. Information shapes public opinion The Mass Media; all forms that communicate and transmit information to large groups of people Books, magazines, newspapers, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Internet, etc Good citizenship means you think critically about what you read, etc.

15 c. Propaganda and public opinion

16 Propaganda ideas put fourth to influence people

17 c. Propaganda and public opinion Propaganda ideas put fourth to influence people –May be the truth, may be a stretch of the truth

18 c. Propaganda and public opinion Propaganda ideas put fourth to influence people –May be the truth, may be a stretch of the truth d. Hidden Propaganda

19 c. Propaganda and public opinion Propaganda ideas put fourth to influence people –May be the truth, may be a stretch of the truth d. Hidden Propaganda –Used to fool people

20 c. Propaganda and public opinion Propaganda ideas put fourth to influence people –May be the truth, may be a stretch of the truth d. Hidden Propaganda –Used to fool people –sources kept a secret –political advertisements

21 e. Open Propaganda

22 More common here in the US

23 e. Open Propaganda More common here in the US Clearly trying to influence

24 e. Open Propaganda More common here in the US Clearly trying to influence –“Vote for Hillary: She has our best interest at heart!”

25 e. Open Propaganda More common here in the US Clearly trying to influence –“Vote for Hillary: She has our best interest at heart!” –“Rudy in 2008! Proven leadership”

26 II. Propaganda Techniques a. Testimonials

27 II. Propaganda Techniques a. Testimonials Famous People, sports heroes

28 II. Propaganda Techniques a. Testimonials Famous People, sports heroes Hollywood endorsement of John Kerry

29 II. Propaganda Techniques a. Testimonials Famous People, sports heroes Hollywood endorsement of John Kerry b. Bandwagon

30 II. Propaganda Techniques a. Testimonials Famous People, sports heroes Hollywood endorsement of John Kerry b. Bandwagon Say something often enough, loud enough, people will believe it

31 II. Propaganda Techniques a. Testimonials Famous People, sports heroes Hollywood endorsement of John Kerry b. Bandwagon Say something often enough, loud enough, people will believe it Everyone’s doing it, jump on board

32 c. Name calling used during campaigns

33 c. Name calling used during campaigns –Reckless spending, tax scheme

34 c. Name calling used during campaigns –Reckless spending, tax scheme d. Glittering Generalities

35 c. Name calling used during campaigns –Reckless spending, tax scheme d. Glittering Generalities Using vague words or ideas –Patriotism, freedom, liberty

36 e. Plain-folks appeal

37 Showing themselves as just regular people

38 e. Plain-folks appeal Showing themselves as just regular people –At home, working in the garage, helping in the community –Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan

39 e. Plain-folks appeal Showing themselves as just regular people –At home, working in the garage, helping in the community –Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan f. Card Stacking

40 e. Plain-folks appeal Showing themselves as just regular people –At home, working in the garage, helping in the community –Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan f. Card Stacking Facts that only support their candidate

41 III. Measuring Public Opinion Public opinion polls

42 III. Measuring Public Opinion Public opinion polls –to find out what people think

43 III. Measuring Public Opinion Public opinion polls –to find out what people think –Must use a sample that represents the public

44 III. Measuring Public Opinion Public opinion polls –to find out what people think –Must use a sample that represents the public Zogby, Nelson, CNN Poll, every news outlet has their own poll

45 The End

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