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Unit 8 How was your school trip ?. ZHOU Dongni s10520228 The first period.

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2 Unit 8 How was your school trip ?. ZHOU Dongni s10520228 The first period

3 First…,Next … Hi,How do you make a banana milk shake? Last week, we have learnt Unit 7.Now let’s talk about how to make these things.Ok?

4 fruit salad sandwich noodles popcorn

5 Yes,I did. Did you play ping-pong yesterday? Today we are going to learn a new unit-Unit 8.During this unit we’re going to learn to talk about things that happened yesterday, last week or last year.Now I’d like to ask some questions about things you did yesterday or last week. Unit 8 How was your school trip ?

6 N o, I didn’t. Hi, did you watch TV last night? Did you do your homework yesterday? Did you visit your friends last Sunday?

7 1.have a piano lesson 2.go to movies/ XiaoBa/beach/mountains /park junk food English a pancake 6.take a shower 7.swim in a swimming pool 8. go fishing/swimming/shopping /camping your parents 10.write new words 11. Study for a test 12.take walks Now you can work in pairs like this.and use the phrases given

8 Hi,Rose,were you in school yesterday? No, I wasn’t.( we can’t use the word “did’’ or “didn’t ’’here, we have to use the word was or were) Yes, I was Hi, Sally,were you at school yesterday?

9 1.Were you in Grade One last year? 2.Were you busy last Saturday? 3.Were you free yesterday evening? 1.Yes, I was./Yes, we were. 2. Yes, I was./ No, I wasn’t. Now let’s review the present tense and the past tense of some verbs

10 eat-ate hang-hung is-was are-were buy-bought take-took swim-swam play-played study-studied watch-watched do-did listen-listened go-went visit-visited have-had help-helped see-saw Now I will say some sentences.Please change them if I use every can use yesterday.If I use yesterday,you can use every day.Ok?

11 A:Lucy does her homework every day. B:Lucy______her homework yesterday evening. A: Peter listened music yesterday. B:Peter_______music every day. A: I bought a book last Tuesday. B: I _____ a book every day. Now you can practice in pairs using patterns given A:Sally watches TV every day. B: Sally______ TV last Sunday. A: I go home at 5:00 every day. B: I went home at 5:00 yesterday.

12 Shark / ∫ α: (r)k / 鲨鱼 Now let’s learn some new words.

13 Aquarium/ ∂kw e ∂ rı ∂/ 水族馆


15 seal/si:l/ 海豹

16 gift/gıft/ 礼物; 赠品

17 souvenir/su:v  ' nı  (r) / 纪念品

18 gift 礼物; 礼品; 赠品 Shark 鲨鱼 Aquarium 水族馆 seal 海豹 hang 逗留;徘徊 hang out 闲荡 Souvenir 纪念品 Now who would like to read the new words. Ok,please open your books at page 47.Look at 1a of section A

19 1.went to movies/ XiaoBa/beach/mountains /park 2.ate junk food 4.played games with friends 5.bought a pancake 6.took a shower 7.swam in a swimming pool 8. Went fishing/swimming/shopping /camping 9.took walks 10.took photos 11.bought a souvenir 12.saw some seals/sharks 13.hung out with her friends 14.ate some ice cream What did you do on your last school trip? Make a list.

20 Look at 1b,What did Tina do on her school trip? Listen and circle the expressions. * Ok.who would like to read the expressions and the conversation. You did very well.Can you make the conversations like 1c? First please you read the conversation,Ok? Now let’s make conversations like 1b,Ok?

21 A:Hi, Mike,Did you go to the aquarium? B:No, I went to the park and saw some monkeys. A: were there any tigers? B: No, but there were some penguins. A: Were they beautiful? B: Yes, they were. A:Did Laura took any photos? B: No, she didn’t. she had a hamburger. Her friend Tina took some photos.

22 At last,let’s have today’s homework,Ok? Practice with your partner the Activity 1b

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