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 A place can be either in the NORTHERN or SOUTHERN hemisphere. That means it is in one of the halves above or below the imaginary east-west line known.

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Presentation on theme: " A place can be either in the NORTHERN or SOUTHERN hemisphere. That means it is in one of the halves above or below the imaginary east-west line known."— Presentation transcript:


2  A place can be either in the NORTHERN or SOUTHERN hemisphere. That means it is in one of the halves above or below the imaginary east-west line known as the EQUATOR.

3  A place can also be in either the WESTERN or EASTERN hemisphere. That means it is in one of the halves on either side of the imaginary north-south line known as the PRIME MERIDIAN.

4  Latitude is an imaginary line, also called a PARALLEL, that circles the Earth parallel to the equator measured in degrees. Latitude lines RUN east and west but MEASURE the distance north and south of the equator. The equator is always 0º latitude.


6 North Pole= 90 degrees All lines of latitude are either above or below the EQUATOR. Equator= 0 degrees latitude South Pole= 90 degrees

7  A great way to remember latitude is to think that latitude lines look like the rungs on a ladder.  Latitude-ladder sound similar.  Latitude is FATitude

8  Certain zones of latitude have names and divide the Earth into zones.  In the Northern Hemisphere, at about 23ºN, is the Tropic of Cancer. This marks the place farthest north at which the sun ever shines directly overhead.  South of the equator, at about latitude 23ºS is the Tropic of Capricorn. This latitude marks the place farthest south at which the sun shines directly overhead.  The section of Earth between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn is known as the tropical zone or the torrid zone.

9  In the Northern Hemisphere, 66.5ºN is called the Arctic Circle.  In the Southern Hemisphere, 66.5 ºS is called the Antarctic Circle.  The zones north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle are known as frigid zones or the polar regions.

10  The parts of Earth between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer, and between the Antarctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn are known as the temperate zones.

11  Longitude is an imaginary line, also called a MERIDIAN, that RUNS north and south from one pole to another. Longitude is used to MEASURE a distance east and west of the Prime Meridian in degrees. The Prime Meridian is always 0 degrees longitude.


13  A great way to remember which are the longitude lines is it sounds like loooongitude lines, like long lines.

14  Whenever you see a COORDINATE, which means a certain place's latitude and longitude, LATITUDE is listed first (north or south), followed by LONGITUDE (west or east).


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