Literary Nonfiction. Overview Literary nonfiction is a fast-growing genre. Readers enjoy the writer’s ability to be creative with words and be informative.

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Presentation on theme: "Literary Nonfiction. Overview Literary nonfiction is a fast-growing genre. Readers enjoy the writer’s ability to be creative with words and be informative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary Nonfiction

2 Overview Literary nonfiction is a fast-growing genre. Readers enjoy the writer’s ability to be creative with words and be informative at the same time. This gets the reader “hooked” into wanting to read more. What are some literary techniques an author would use in writing fiction? Literary nonfiction is found in …Journals, memoirs, biographies and autobiographies.

3 Biographies A story about someone that is not written by that person, but by someone else. In the library these are found under the call number 921. Why is it important to read biographies?

4 Autobiographies and Memoirs An autobiography is the story of a person’s life written by that person. A memoir is similar to an autobiography, but instead of telling about an entire life, it mainly focuses on particular memories of that person’s life. These books are found under the call number 921 in the library Memoir is the French word for “memory”.

5 Travel Journals The author takes you to a place through their writing. It’s not about what the author brings to the place, but what the place draws out of the author.

6 Your turn… You have been given a number that corresponds with a question. This question is located on one of the large chart papers on the library tables. Find the question that correlates with your number and supply an answer directly on the chart paper. Sign your name to your answer and then log off the computer.

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