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全民英檢 中級閱讀測驗 通關密碼 講者:賴翠玲. 中級閱讀能力要求 在日常生活情境中,能閱讀短文、故事、 私人信件、廣告、傳單、簡介及使用說明 等,在工作情境中,能閱讀工作須知、公 告、操作手冊、例行文件、傳真、電報等。 初試 聽力閱讀 通過標準 兩項測驗成績總和達160分,且其中任一項 成績不低於72分(自97年起生效,不溯及.

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Presentation on theme: "全民英檢 中級閱讀測驗 通關密碼 講者:賴翠玲. 中級閱讀能力要求 在日常生活情境中,能閱讀短文、故事、 私人信件、廣告、傳單、簡介及使用說明 等,在工作情境中,能閱讀工作須知、公 告、操作手冊、例行文件、傳真、電報等。 初試 聽力閱讀 通過標準 兩項測驗成績總和達160分,且其中任一項 成績不低於72分(自97年起生效,不溯及."— Presentation transcript:

1 全民英檢 中級閱讀測驗 通關密碼 講者:賴翠玲

2 中級閱讀能力要求 在日常生活情境中,能閱讀短文、故事、 私人信件、廣告、傳單、簡介及使用說明 等,在工作情境中,能閱讀工作須知、公 告、操作手冊、例行文件、傳真、電報等。 初試 聽力閱讀 通過標準 兩項測驗成績總和達160分,且其中任一項 成績不低於72分(自97年起生效,不溯及 既往) 滿分 120/120。

3 中級閱讀測驗 題型、題數、測驗時間 第一部分:詞彙與結構 15 題 第二部分:段落填空 10 題 第三部分:閱讀理解 15 題 共 40 題 45 分鐘

4 中級詞彙範例解說 1. New computer technology has ____ changed the way Hollywood movies are made. A. sincerely B. dramatically C. idly D. greedily 2.Peter lost the competition, but the sense of achievement he got from participating in it was a great ____. A. reward B. source C. issue D. task

5 中級結構題範例解說 1. ____ newspaper reports, the storm has caused serious flooding in the area near the river. A. As B. For C. Including some D. According to 2. In the old album, Betty came across a lot of family photos, ____ were taken in Europe. A. which the majority of B. the majority of which C. which of the majority D. of the majority which S+V+O, 數量 + of which/ whom + (s)+ v.

6 中級段落填空範例解說 After graduating from college and moving to the city, Janet lived alone for several years. She (16) have one companion, a short-haired cat named Riley. Although Riley couldn’t offer any human conversation, it was pleasant (17) the cat greet her at the door when she came home in the evening. Then one of Janet’s friends got (18) and asked if she could live with Janet, at least for a while. It turned out to be a good idea because the two women enjoyed each other’s (19) ; the arrangement became permanent.

7 16. A. willB. didC. only D. could do/ does/ did +V. 意 “ 真的、的確 …” 17. A. to enjoy B. having C. that D. if 使役動詞 (let/ make/ have) 、感官動詞 (see/ watch/ feel/ hear/ listen to) 、助動詞 (do/ can/ should…)+ 原 V. 18. A. divorced B. crowded C. engaged D. married 19. A. imagination B. competition C. business D. company enjoy one’s company( 喜歡某人的陪伴 )

8 中級閱讀理解範例解說 1. Timetable Changes 1.Economics 101 will no longer be taught in Room75. In order to accommodate more students, lectures will now be given in the main hall. 2.Professor Evans is doing research abroad this semester. All his lectures will now be delivered by Professor Ling. Times and rooms are as stated on the original timetable. 3.Physics seminars with Dr. James will take place on Wednesday at 4:00p.m., not Thursday at 3:00p.m. as previously stated. 4.Biology 201 with Dr. James will begin one week later, on September 15. All lectures will still be held in the Science Laboratory, Upper Level, Building C.

9 Questions 26. What is true about the courses mentioned in the timetable changes? A. The lectures on Economics 101 has been canceled. B. A different professor will take over Professor Evan’s classes. C. The Biology class will meet later in the day. D. Physics seminars will be held two days a week. What is true/ accurate/ not true/ not included …? What does this article imply/ suggest? What can be inferred from this passage? 27. Which course will NOT be taught in the same place? A. Professor Ling’s course B. Physics seminars C. Biology 201 D. Economics 101

10 中級閱讀理解範例解說 2 When a job is advertised in the newspaper or on the internet, sometimes the response is overwhelming. Employers can be presented with dozens of even hundreds of job applicants, so they look for reasons to screen out some applicants right away in order to reduce the number of candidates to be considered. One employer did this in his own interesting way He ran a short newspaper advertisement describing the job and listing a phone number. When people called the number, they heard a three-minute message giving more details about the job. Then the voice asked them to hand-write a letter explaining why the employer should hire them…

11 Questions 28. What is this article mainly about? A. A mysterious employer B. An unusual job duty C. A creative hiring process D. An outstanding job seeker What is the best headline/ title for this article? What is the main idea/ topic/ subject/ purpose of this passage? 29. What did the employer in the story want to do? A. Replace the majority of his office staff. B. See as many job applicants as possible. C. Reduce the size of his staff. D. Avoid meeting with most job applicants.

12 閱讀能力培養實力法 1. 廣泛閱讀,不限領域。 2. 從文章中背單字及片語。 3. 複習文法及句型結構。 4. 多做閱讀測驗試題。

13 閱讀能力測驗應考技巧 1. 先看題目 2. 找出主旨 3. 抓關鍵字 4. 猜測字義 5. 每題必答

14 猜測字義訓練 1. A bright red gibble came round the corner very fast and almost knocked me down. The driver didn’t even see me. A gibble is A. a type of animal B. a type of car C. a type of game D. a type of weather

15 2. Mary smingled all her final exams because she hadn’t studied at all. To smingle means A. to failB. to understand C. to pass D. to appreciate 3. Greg is a very mordy person. Terrible things always happen to him. Mordy means A. delicateB. unlucky C. fortunateD. obedient

16 單字記憶法 字族記憶法 ( V.:-en/-ify N.:-ance/-tion Adj.:-able/tive) 同義字記憶法 反義字記憶法 主題記憶法 循環記憶法

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