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Unit 2 Note Values, Measures, Time signatures

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1 Unit 2 Note Values, Measures, Time signatures
Music Theory 1 Unit 2 Note Values, Measures, Time signatures

2 Lesson 6: Note Values Note placement on the staff indicates pitch
Tells us how high or low a pitch should sound and which note to sing or play

3 Lesson 6: Note Values Still, note placement alone is not enough!!
We also need a way to indicate the duration or how long a note is held In music this is achieved through the use of different: NOTE VALUES Note values help us determine the duration of notes and therefore deals with the aspect of Rhythm instead of Pitch.

4 Lesson 6: Note Values The basic note values are as follows: WHOLE NOTES, HALF NOTES, and QUARTER NOTES The names of the note values refer to their relationship to the WHOLE NOTE!!

5 The Rhythm Tree

6 Lesson 6: Note Values When writing down notes with stems it is important to pay attention to the length and placement of the stem

7 Lesson 7: Measure, Bar Line, and Double Bar
Music is divided into equal parts with the use of: BAR LINES A DOUBLE BAR LINE is used to indicate the end of a piece and is drawn with one thin and one thick line on the outside.

8 Lesson 7: Measure, Bar Line, and Double Bar

9 Exercises for Lessons 6 & 7

10 Exercises for Lessons 6 & 7

11 Lesson 8: Time Signature and Note Values
In Music The TIME SIGNATURE is located at the beginning of a piece after the clef sign. It contains two numbers, one above the other. The upper number tells us how many beats (counts) are in each measure. The lower number tells us what type of note gets 1 beat.

12 Lesson 8: Time Signature and Note Values So…

13 Lessons 9: Whole, Half and Quarter Rests
Music is not just made up of the sounds we hear but also of the silence between sounds. The duration of these silences are determined by the value of the REST. Rests have values just like notes


15 Lessons 9: Whole, Half and Quarter Rests

16 Exercise Lesson 8 & 9

17 Exercise Lesson 8 & 9

18 Mix – Freeze- Group Walk around the class and when the music stops find a partner and discuss the questions I will ask!!

19 Mix – Freeze- Group Questions….
1. What are the 3 types of note values and rests we learned about today?

20 Mix – Freeze- Group Questions….
2. In a piece of music with a 4/4 time signature, how many beats are in each measure? Also, Which number tells us this in the time signature? The top or bottom number?

21 Mix – Freeze- Group Questions….
3. In a piece of music with a 4/4 time signature, what type of note gets 1 beat? Also, Which number tells us this in the time signature? The top or bottom number?

22 Mix – Freeze- Group Questions….
Answer the following with your partner…

23 Mix – Freeze- Group Questions….
True or false Music is divided into equal parts by Bar Lines. A measure is the area between two bar lines A double bar line tells us where the beginning of a piece is

24 Mix – Freeze- Group Questions….
In 4/4 time a half note is equal to two whole notes A half rest sits on the 3rd Line of the staff A whole rest hangs from the 2 line of the staff

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