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Music Theory Review. Staff Treble Clef Bass Clef.

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Presentation on theme: "Music Theory Review. Staff Treble Clef Bass Clef."— Presentation transcript:

1 Music Theory Review


3 Staff


5 Treble Clef


7 Bass Clef


9 Bar Line


11 Measure


13 Double Bar Line


15 Repeat Sign


17 Grand Staff

18 What do note values tell us?

19 What do note values tell us? How long to hold a note

20 What kind of note is this and how many counts does it get?

21 Whole Note gets 4 counts

22 What kind of note is this and how many counts does it get?

23 Half Note gets 2 counts

24 What kind of note is this and how many counts does it get?

25 Quarter Note gets 1 count

26 What kind of note is this and how many counts does it get?

27 Eighth Note gets ½ count

28 What kind of note is this and how many counts does it get?

29 Sixteenth Note gets ¼ count

30 What kind of rest is this and how many counts does it get?

31 Whole Rest gets 4 counts

32 What kind of rest is this and how many counts does it get?

33 Half Rest gets 2 counts

34 What kind of rest is this and how many counts does it get?

35 Quarter Rest gets 1 count

36 What kind of rest is this and how many counts does it get?

37 Eighth Rest gets ½ count

38 What kind of rest is this and how many counts does it get?

39 Sixteenth Rest gets ¼ count


41 Note Head

42  

43 Stem


45 Flag


47 E very G ood B oy D oes F ine


49 F A C E


51 G ood B oys D o F ine A lways


53 A ll C ows E at G rass

54 What is this called?

55 Time Signature

56 What does the top number tell you?

57 How many beats in a measure.

58 What does the bottom number tell you?

59 Which note gets one beat.

60 What is Dynamics?

61 Dynamics: How loud or soft is the music.

62 Identify and define the following Dynamic:

63 Piano - Soft

64 Identify and define the following Dynamic:

65 Pianissimo – Very Soft

66 Identify and define the following Dynamic:

67 Mezzo Piano – medium soft

68 Identify and define the following Dynamic:

69 Forte – Loud

70 Identify and define the following Dynamic:

71 Fortissimo – Very Loud

72 Identify and define the following Dynamic:

73 Mezzo Forte – Medium Loud

74 Identify and define the following Dynamic:

75 Crescendo: Gradually Get Louder

76 Identify and define the following Dynamic:

77 Decrescendo – Gradually Get Softer


79 Sharp: Raises a note ½ step


81 Flat: Lowers a note ½ step


83 Natural: Takes note back to the original pitch


85 Fermata: to hold until the director cuts you off.

86 What is Tempo?

87 Tempo is how fast or slow the music is or the speed of music.

88 What does Staccato mean?

89 What does Staccato mean? Short and Detached

90 What does Legato mean?

91 What does Legato mean? Smooth and Connected

92 What does it mean to sing in Unison?

93 Unison: When 2 or more people are playing or singing the same pitch at the same time.

94 What is Harmony?

95 Harmony: When 2 or more people are playing or singing different pitches at the same time.

96 What is a Key Signature?

97 What is a Key Signature? The sharps or flats placed at the beginning of a composition or line of music which shows the scale on which the music is based.

98 What is the organization of sounds and silences across time?

99 Rhythm

100 What does compose mean?

101 What does compose mean? To write music

102 What term means to invent music spontaneously (on the spot)?

103 Improvising

104 When you are evaluating a musical performance, what are you doing?

105 When you are evaluating a musical performance, what are you doing? Scoring or judging the quality of the performance

106 Correct posture is most important for:

107 Correct posture is most important for: A musician to inhale deeply for breath support

108 What is Timbre?

109 What is Timbre? The character or quality of a sound that distinguishes one instrument, voice or other sound source from another

110 What is a music Genre?

111 What is a Music Genre? A type or category of music

112 A person who plays a musical instrument or sings, especially as a profession or is musically talented is called a…….

113 A person who plays a musical instrument or sings, especially as a profession or is musically talented is called a……. Musician

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