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Let’s Talk Plants Angelica Orantez 1 st grade Science.

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1 Let’s Talk Plants Angelica Orantez 1 st grade Science

2 Introduction It will be your job to learn about the different plant parts and the ways it grows. After spending some time learning all about plants, you will be able to label plant parts, be able to discuss how they grow and grow your very own plant.

3 I will be able to… Describe in detail how plants grow Successfully label the parts of a plant Share in detail the role of a selected plant part Learn about plants by exploring the different websites and completing all the tasks.

4 Task Complete the Checklist… Step 1: Read about the parts of a plant and their roles Step 2: Label the parts of a plant worksheet Write a paragraph or draw a picture in your plant journal showing or telling about 1 role a part of a plant does

5 Process Task 1: Watch this video and then read about the different parts of the plant html html parts_WMTFQ.pdf parts_WMTFQ.pdf

6 Task 1 continued… After reading about the parts of a plant, fill out your diagram in your Plant journal.

7 Task 2: Explore these websites, then write about one of the parts of a plant and what it does.

8 Task 3: Go to these websites and do these activities. http://www.ngfl- sion.htmhttp://www.ngfl- sion.htm html html When done completing this activity, give your journal to your teacher.

9 Task 4: Making a Poster Board You may use any materials you would like to. BE CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN! What you need on your poster board… The four basic needs of a plant. The four parts of the plant. Pictures!

10 Evaluation Falls Far Below 1 Approaching 2 Meets 3 Exceeds 4 Score Parts of the plant diagram Student labeled diagram but had 3 or more wrong. Student labeled diagram but had 2 wrong. Student labeled diagram but had 1 wrong. Student labeled diagram with each label correct. Paragraph or drawing about the role of a plant part Student did not seem to understand the role of that part Student wrote one or two sentences that vaguely described the role. Student wrote 1 or 2 sentences and seemed to partially understand the role of the part. Student wrote at least 3 sentences which proved they understood the role of the specific part. Understanding of planting a seed and its components Student has trouble understanding what the process is. Student understands that the seed has to go into the soil. Student understands that seed has to go into the soil with water. Student understands that the seed has to go into the soil with water and be placed in sunlight. Poster Board Project Student showed little to no thought or care to the poster Student showed little to some thought or care to the poster Student showed thought and care into the poster Student showed a lot of thought and into the poster TOTAL:

11 Conclusion GREAT JOB! You have done an excellent job learning about plants! Now that you have completed all your tasks and planted your seed you will… 1. keep track of the growth of your seed every day by writing the date and time 2. if you watered it or not 3. drawing a picture of your observation

12 Teacher Page This web quest is meant to enhance students learining about the parts of a plant and give them an overview of the basics about plants. This will lead into a unit of learning about plants in detail, planting a flower, keeping track of how they grow and living and nonliving things. This webquest is designed for students who are in 1st grade learning about the parts of a plant and living and nonliving things. Explain the web quest to the students before hand and give them the hand outs that will be needed such as their parts of the plant diagram and also their plant journal that allows them to keep track of their plants' progress and information about plants

13 Common Core Standards RL. 1.1 Ask questions about key details in a text RL. 1.7 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas SL. 1.3 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media W. 1.8 With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.

14 Resources Besides the web links throughout the web quest, I used several materials or resources… Journal: I made this on Microsoft Word. You can easily change the questions and days around to fit your own schedule. Seeds, soil and Styrofoam cups for the students' individual plants. Rubric Poster board, makers, crayons, and any other resource the children will need to do their poster board assessment. Computers, printers, and printing paper.

15 References Anne Mumford Here are some great websites to pull different resources off.

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