The French Revolution The Causes. The 4 Stages of the French Revolution 1 st Stage “Moderate Phase” (1789 – 1791) –Meeting of Estate General –Fall of.

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Presentation on theme: "The French Revolution The Causes. The 4 Stages of the French Revolution 1 st Stage “Moderate Phase” (1789 – 1791) –Meeting of Estate General –Fall of."— Presentation transcript:

1 The French Revolution The Causes

2 The 4 Stages of the French Revolution 1 st Stage “Moderate Phase” (1789 – 1791) –Meeting of Estate General –Fall of the Bastille –Development of a Constitution and Bill of Rights 2 nd Stage “Radical Phase” (1792 – 1794) –Execution of Louis XVI –Rise of Maximilien Robespierre –Reign of Terror 3 rd Stage “Conservative Phase” (1795 – 1799) –Period of reaction against the violence of the revolution –Establishment of the Directory 4 th Stage “Napoleonic Phase” (1799 – 1815) –Rise of Napoleon: Dictator to Emperor –France builds an empire –Collapse of Napoleon’s Empire

3 What would cause you to revolt against an established institution? Causes of French Revolution

4 Europe 1789 Bourbon Family Louis XVI + Hapsburg Family Marie Antoinette

5 Political and Social Inequalities Introduction French society was divided into estates = Large social classes 1300’s - The social classes began meeting as the Estates General “Old Regime” – French institution similar to early English Parliament 1 st Estate Highest level church officials (NOT parish priests) –Under 1% of population, but owned 10% of land –Paid virtually NO taxes (2% of income) –Hated Enlightenment ideas 2 nd Estate Rich Nobles: Office holders of army, government, courts, and middle level church officials –Less than 2% of population, but owned 20% of land –Paid NO taxes – This really furthered revolution –Disagreed with Enlightenment ideas 3 rd Estate Bourgeoisie / Lower Class / Peasants –Paid vast majority of taxes (50+% of income) –Differed greatly in economic conditions BUT all had reasons to hate the Old Regime –Embraced Enlightenment ideas

6 Bourgeoisie (Middle Class) Well educated professionals –Lawyers, doctors, manufacturers, bankers, merchants, and shopkeepers Some were very wealthy, but had NO political or social standing –Paid very high taxes –Dressed like nobles wearing wigs, waistcoats, and culottes Tight fitting knee breeches Strongly believed in Enlightenment ideals "People under the Old Regime"

7 Lower Classes Workers of France’s cities –Butchers, brewers, weavers, tanners, peddlers, cooks, servants Much poorer & less educated than Bourgeoisie –Embodied frugality, thrift, hard work, and honest devotion Sans-culottes –Those who are without knee breeches Often went hungry –Diet consisted of 3 pounds of bread per day and very little else

8 Peasant Farmers Largest group of the 3 rd Estate –80% of total population Very faithful to Catholic Church & local priests Lost over ½ their income to taxes –Often went hungry Required to perform free work for government for set number of days every year –Nevertheless, French peasants lived better than peasants elsewhere in Europe

9 Awakening of the Third Estate

10 Influence of the Enlightenment & American Revolution Enlightenment thinkers inspired French people to question the Old Regime & go against their king –Major challenge to absolute monarchy Success of American Revolution encouraged French to fight for freedom, equality, and liberty

11 Weak Rulers Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette were weak and indecisive rulers –Put off dealing with France’s economic problems until it was an emergency “Protect us lord for we reign too young” Louis XVI Louis was more interested in hunting than public affairs –Had a history of hiring/firing financial advisers when they run into opposition Marie = “Madame Deficit” –She was hated by the French people From the royal family of Austria –Dedicated to absolute monarchy principle 1788 – A bread shortage caused the price of bread to double –“Do you know why there are so many needy people? Because your elegant existence devours in 1 day the substance of 1,000 men.” – Robespierre Louis XVI Marie Antoinette

12 Bankruptcy of the Government France went into deep debt to pay for the 7 yrs War & American Revolution –American Revolution price tag = 200 million livre Enough to house and freed 7 million French citizens for a year Louis’s established financial reforms –Raise taxes on 3 rd Estate = Increased cost of living Loaf of bread = One months earnings By 1788 – France was almost bankrupt –50% government’s income went to pay interest on debt –13% to support royal family’s lifestyle Result: Riots start to spread across France

13 Bankruptcy of the Government 1788 - Louis was forced to hire Jacques Necker –Believed in the ideals of the Enlightenment Believed it was the governments duty to make sure there was enough beard for everyone Necker introduced financial reforms –Reduce court spending, reform government, and improve trade –Proposed taxing the 1 st and 2 nd estates Result: King tried to tax 1 st and 2 nd estates The 1 st and 2 nd Estates forced Louis to call the Estates General

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