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Homeopathic Treatment of Skin Diseases

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1 Homeopathic Treatment of Skin Diseases
Sulphur, Psorinum, Graphites, Petroleum and Urtica urens

2 The character in symbols. The skin.
Sulphur The character in symbols. The skin.

3 The Volcano Explosive, fiery temper which suddenly erupts
in explosive wrath. The anger usually quickly subsides, but can sulk The action of the remedy is to throw things out, especially onto the skin. (Can reverse suppression: emotional or drug suppression)

4 Fire Passion and ego. An ego the size and power of a volcano.
No one knows better than Sulphur ! They are right, and they take things and people for granted. Selfish: everything is seen from their point of view. Passionate about their own interests, but also a curious and adventurous spirit.

5 Theorizing There is a burning desire to investigate and analyze all things: especially taking things to bits and putting them back together again – a toy, or a car engine on the kitchen table! – or the universe, the philosopher, the inventor, the visionary, the religious zealot – hellfire and brimstone evangelists.

6 The Sleeping Volcano Lazy and delay starting, unless stimulated by an interest. Scruffy children covered in mud, Men spread engine oil throughout the home – Aversion to bathing. Ailments from embarrassment in front of peers.

7 Burning, Heat and Redness.
Warm blooded, usually < heat: sun, weather, room, bed. Burning heat of soles of feet, stick them out the bed covers. Burning, offensive, acrid discharges from any part of the body: Burning itching in eruptions RED: face, lips, ears, palms, orifices, skin eruptions.

8 Aversion to Bathing ODOURS: His faeces stink the house out,
yet he is very sensitive to other’s odours! AVERSION TO + < BATHING: especially eruptions, and eruptions seem better when covered in engine oil !

9 Generals Desires: alcohol, beer and whisky, sweets, ice cream, chocolate, fats, junk food. Aversion: eggs <: 11a.m., an empty, hungry sinking feeling inside <: standing still, suppression of eruptions or discharges, < 5 a.m., woken by need for stool. >: open air, motion, being busy, sweating, lying down.

10 Skin Any eruption in a patient who needs Sulphur. Recurrent boils;
a succession of boils: as soon as one boil is healed another forms on a different site.

11 Eczema Red, moist, and tremendously itchy.
The itch can be voluptuous or burning. Itch <: heat: bed, sun, room; bathing; wool. Must scratch, can scratch until skin raw and bleeding Itch changes place on scratching

12 The sero-purulent matter from a scabies vesicle
Psorinum The sero-purulent matter from a scabies vesicle

13 Despair from severe, prolonged itching of recovery
from prolonged suffering from inability to recover from anxiety and foreboding whenever feels well, knows that it is soon followed by a prolonged illness

14 The Hopeless Struggle Helpless Victim Forsaken Pessimistic
Poverty: no energy, no reactive power. Powerless to resist, yet still struggle

15 Generals Very chilly and < cold yet skin < heat
ailments from suppressed eruptions prolonged debility and sweats after acute illness attacks preceded by extreme hunger, eating > foul discharges: sweat, stool, urine, menses e.t.c. <<: cold, drafts, open air, change of weather, sun, thunderstorm, coffee, fingers touching >>: lying on back with arms out from sides

16 Skin Dirty, dingy, dry, greasy looks unwashed even when washed
aversion to bathing and bathing << emanates a foul odour even when washed unhealthy, every tiny injury suppurates foul perspiration eczema, vesicles, boils, warts, ulcers ……

17 Eczema Intense prolonged itching: << heat of : bed, room, sun, night, bathing Despair from severe prolonged itching Scratches till skin raw and bleeding Itch only briefly relieved by scratching Dry, flaky, crusty, vesicular, cracking, easily infected then suppurates.

18 Carbon The lead of a fine English pencil
Graphites Carbon The lead of a fine English pencil

19 Irresolution hard to make the simplest choice full of doubts
timidity and lack of self confidence hard to analyze, plan, think in abstracts > simple, straightforward life

20 Excitability Due to irresolution Upset over tiny details
Anticipates difficulties Anxiety, sadness weeping and despair from little details of life, > unburdening it all to husband or doctor Fidgety, fussy fastidiousness over details

21 Generals Obese hungry, are > eating, stomach > warm milk, love to nibble + > chilly yet < heat burning, numbness and deadness sensations aversion to coition photophobia

22 Food Hunger, wake hungry in night love to nibble
> eating, > warm milk Averse: meat, fish, salt, sweets <<: cold drinks, cold food Desire: warm milk, beer, chicken >>: warm food, warm milk, warm drinks

23 Skin Thick, hard and lumpy cracks and fissures
oozing moisture which dries to a yellow crust of crystals like honey keloid scars every injury suppurates scratch till skin bleeds

24 Petroleum Crude Oil

25 Anger, Fear and Confusion
Irritable, offended by the slightest thing, suddenly flies into a rage, violent and destructive fierce and uncontrollable anger << by alcohol yet easily frightened and afraid on slight provocation confusion, loses his way in familiar places confusion < walking in open air

26 Generals Chilly and dreads open air
motion sickness from boat, car, train offensive perspiration, axillae and feet <: thunderstorms, wet and changing weather gnawing hunger > eating, nausea and diarrhoea are > eating desires beer, brandy flatulence from beans, peas, cabbage

27 Skin Furuncles and boils and blackheads DRYNESS, no > emollients
Skin problems provoked or << by crude oil or any of its derivatives: e.g. cosmetics Furuncles and boils and blackheads DRYNESS, no > emollients CRACKING: deep bleeding cracks, worse on hands and fingertips, folds of skin, nipples <<< winter, and > summer

28 Urtica urens The Stinging Nettle

29 Allergic Eruptions Stinging, burning, itching as from nettles
Urticaria with weal and large red flare <: shellfish, after bathing, violent exercise; > lying down, rubbing. Urticaria alternating with rheumatism/gout Burns from hot water, stinging itch and pain Stings of insects Absence of milk after childbirth

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