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Provided by Training, HR & OD Department Karen. Learning Management Systems January 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Provided by Training, HR & OD Department Karen. Learning Management Systems January 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Provided by Training, HR & OD Department Karen. Learning Management Systems January 2014

2 Overview This Session will provide you with details on learning management system projects, and specific project deliverables. You will experience interactive discussions, and applicable knowledge to make business decisions in moving forward. Learning Objectives After completing this session, you will be able to: recognize challenges with current training identify specific organizational needs communicate the benefits of an LMS Session Goals

3 Current Training Challenges End Users have other responsibilities –juggling multiple priorities –employee time and effort value 40% retention rate after training events 15- 40% retention among colleagues for knowledge sharing People, processes, and systems alignment

4 3 Organizational needs E-learning portal People, processes, and systems Greater ROI Flexible learning Dynamic authoring tools and templates Easy to deploy Centralized knowledge repository Align strategic learning goals Standardize compliance requirements Deliver consistent content, feedback and assessment tracking to support people management Reduce training and resource costs Improve employee retention Promote engagement and collaboration

5 Program Planning Design Analysis Develop Implement Evaluation Success Consult stakeholders Needs Analysis SME Central repository doc. Review PM & KPI’s Storyboards Build central repository Rapid prototype Project Schedule Align resources Leverage technology Create Learning objectives Core Modules Identify evaluation E&C Plans Soft launch Test groups Feedback Training plans/coordinate Technical values KPIs Project Closure On-time On-budget Release feedback survey Reports

6 Program requirements Basic Blackboard Medium Success factors Complex Geo Learning

7 Project activities Engagement and CommunicationRisk Management LMS development Departments/IT/HR Training SessionsSoft launch BU LMS JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSept TrainingSuccessGO LIVEAdded value contentPost Assessment

8 Summary In this Session, learners were able to: recognize challenges with current training identify specific organizational needs communicate the benefits of an LMS

9 Actions

10 Where do I get HELP? 1.LMS 2.Quick guides 3.HR, IT and OD Team

11 Provided by Training, HR & OD Department Karen. Starchuk@mtsinai.comStarchuk@ Training and OD Consultant Thank you

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