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Ancient Egypt By Hailie Fenwick, Rebecca Keill and Holly Hamilton.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Egypt By Hailie Fenwick, Rebecca Keill and Holly Hamilton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Egypt By Hailie Fenwick, Rebecca Keill and Holly Hamilton.

2 The river Nile The river Nile is the longest river in Egypt. The river Nile is the most important thing to Egypt. The river Nile floods every year. The river is about 6,670km in length and is the longest river in Africa and the world.

3 Rosetta stone –Rosetta stone The Rosetta stone was found in 1799.The Rosetta stone is a stone with writing on it in two languages(Egyptian and Greek) using three scripts ( hieroglyphic,demotic and Greek. was demotic which was the common script of Egypt.The third was Greek which

4 Mummification A mummy is a dead body what has been dried out.They were put in a sarcophagus. Their organs were put into cnopic jars.The brain was throne away and they kept the heart.

5 Egyptian god Ra is the god of the sun and he as a head of a falcon and a sun disk.Seth has a head of a beast and he is the god of the desert.Geb and nut is the god of earth and nut is the sky godess with blue and golden stars. Isis is the queen of goddess with a throne or sun disk and horns on her head.

6 Cleopatra Cleopatra was known for her beauty.Cleopatra was the last queen of Egypt.Cleopatra’s father died when she was 17.Cleopatra was born in 69 b.c in Alexandria,Egypt.She died in august 12,30 b.c.

7 Thank you Thank you for reading our topic.we hope you enjoyed it.Rebecca Hailie Holly

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