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Industrial Revolution Review Know it! don’t just study it.

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2 Industrial Revolution Review Know it! don’t just study it

3 The use of steam engines improved what? Factories- Trains & Boats-Transportation

4 Name of workers seeking labor reforms? Unions- Sometimes they went on strike, Or refused to work

5 List the 3 factors of production Land Labor Capital--Money

6 What is Laissez-faire? Term that means to leave business alone

7 Cottage industry workers worked where? At home, Making clothes

8 List different reform movements Slavery-William Wilberforce called for an end to slavery in England Child Labor- Factory Act of 1833 Women's suffrage-Emily Davison Free Education- Horace Mann

9 What Constitutional Amendment dealt with former slaves suffrage? 13 th -Freed the Slaves 14 th -Gives Citizenship 15 th -Right to Vote

10 Where did the Industrial Revolution Begin? England Had the minerals(Coal and Iron ore) Swift running rivers Growth of the Middle Class Rise in the standard of living (long term effect)

11 Karl Marx wrote? The Communist Manifesto

12 Who is credited with the assembly line? Henry Ford The Automobile

13 Why were children used in factories? Cheap Labor Pay them less than adults

14 What happened to the population in the country after the Industrial Revolution? Urbanization-Move to the city

15 Which amendment to the constitution abolished slavery? 13th

16 What did the Enclosure Act do in Great Britain Helped increase crop production By letting larger farms grab more public land Hurt the smaller farms

17 Why was Louis Pasteur important? Found that bacteria caused disease

18 List new techniques of the Agricultural Revolution Seed drill Crop Rotation Breeding of animals

19 How did the Rail Roads help England? Cheap to transport materials and products Cut down travel time for people

20 Explain Entrepreneur Organizes manages and takes a risk on a business Example- Thomas Edison

21 What is Urbanization? Migration of people to cities

22 Collective Bargaining is an agreement between whom? Factory owner & Workers

23 What is Capitalism? Economic system in which money is invested to make a profit Adam Smith influenced this theory with his book The Wealth of Nations in 1776

24 Explain the difference between economic systems of Communism and Socialism Communism- no private property Total control by government Socialism- only factories are owned by government and operate for the welfare of all

25 Why did the southern states leave the union? Abraham Lincoln was elected president

26 What is Manifest Destiny? US belief that they should rule from the east to west coast of North America The Mexican Cession-land that was acquired from Mexico after they lost the Mexican American War is an example

27 What did Charles Darwin write? The Origin of Species Concept of survival of the fittest Evolution Theory- Natural Selection

28 What is the Gadsen Purchase? Purchased from Mexico in 1853 Stretch of land from Colorado River to Rio Grande

29 Queen Victoria was know for Helping the poor through charity and supporting social reforms

30 Why is Athens important Small city-state brought the world democracy

31 Explain the Caste system Not giving you this question

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