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Chapter 8 Varieties of American Nationalism. Objectives The arguments during the debate over the admission of Missouri, and how they influenced sectional.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Varieties of American Nationalism. Objectives The arguments during the debate over the admission of Missouri, and how they influenced sectional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Varieties of American Nationalism

2 Objectives The arguments during the debate over the admission of Missouri, and how they influenced sectional attitudes. The Marshall Court. President Monroe and his “doctrine” in 1823, and its impact on international relations. Andrew Jackson and the election of 1828.

3 “Era of Good Feelings” Following the War of 1812 Party competition virtually disappeared Good Feelings and economic prosperity happened in the US

4 Spain Andrew Jackson entered Florida to stop the Seminole Indians Jackson invaded Spanish Florida under the international idea of protection of boarders John Quincy Adams writes the Adams- Onis Treaty in 1819. –US gives up claims to Texas –Spain gave up Florida and Pacific Northwest

5 SECTIONALISM AND NATIONALISM The Missouri Compromise –Applied for admission in 1819 –Custom to admit two states at a time (1 slave, 1 free) to keep power in the Senate –If Missouri came in there would be a tip in power –Compromise – Maine (free) & Missouri (slave) –36/30 line (Mason-Dixon Line)


7 Monroe Doctrine European countries were wanting to re- establish colonies in Latin and South America 1823 – President James Monroe issues the Monroe Doctrine Established US supremacy in Western hemisphere Only the US could have control in these areas

8 The “Corrupt Bargain” Election of 1824: Four candidates Andrew Jackson receives plurality of popular and electoral votes Henry Clay gives support to John Q. Adams for the House vote House picked Adams and Clay becomes Sect. of State (believing this the path to the White House) Jackson swore revenge

9 Election of 1828 MEAN AND DIRTY Between President John Q. Adams and Andrew Jackson

10 John Q. Adams National Republicans Supported Economic nationalism Basic Federalist in many ways Accused Jackson of: –Murder (duels) –Adulterer: claimed that Jackson and his wife were not married when they lived together –Hurt Jackson’s wife so much she died

11 Andrew Jackson Democratic Republican Against privilege and economic aristocracy Against the Bank of the United States In favor of opportunity for all Accused Adams of: –Gross waste of public funds –Adams had bought a chess set and billiard table for the White House

12 Results of Election of 1828 Due to Jackson reviving Jefferson’s Democrat Republicans Jackson wins Brings about the “Era of the Common Man”

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