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School Lunch in Todays Society PROS & CONS Presented By: Kelsey Jones & Arnold April 15, 2015 Ivy Tech Community College EDUC 101.

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Presentation on theme: "School Lunch in Todays Society PROS & CONS Presented By: Kelsey Jones & Arnold April 15, 2015 Ivy Tech Community College EDUC 101."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Lunch in Todays Society PROS & CONS Presented By: Kelsey Jones & Arnold April 15, 2015 Ivy Tech Community College EDUC 101

2 Standard # 10: Leadership and Collaboration The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession. Name of Artifact: Contemporary Issues Project Date: 14 April 2015 Course: INTRO TO TEACHING, EDUC 101 Brief Example: I have planned PTA sessions that incorporate each child’s parent(s) into every activity and updates regarding changes to curriculum school and neighborhood. Rationale: to document my understanding of InTasc Standard # 10. Leadership and Collaboration, I will conduct a pros vs cons power point presentation on the school lunch program. This will illustrate the need for parents to become more involved with their child’s in-school nourishment.

3 Background Information & Overview Many children consume at least ½ of their meals at school. For most of these children, food served at school may be the only food they eat on a regular basis. More than 32 million children participating in the National School Lunch Program & more than 12 million participating in the School Breakfast Program, good nutrition at school is more important than ever. Menus are planned for grades K-5, 6-8 and 9- 12 & makes sure your child the right size portions. Schools are providing more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, & low-fat milk dairy products; along with less sodium & fat. (

4 Pro #1 of School Lunches: Time & Money Parents will be saving time and money when their children eat school lunches. - They won’t be taking the extra time in the morning to prepare their lunch bags. - They won’t be in the grocery stores spending money for five lunches per kid. (that can get expensive!)

5 Con #1 of School Lunches: Time and Money Although school meals may encourage children, especially fussy eaters, to try new things, it can cut both ways. If your child hates everything placed in front of her, she may decide not to eat anything at all. The main focus of the national school meal programs should be meeting students’ needs. But for that to happen, there must be recognition that parents — not the first lady or Congress — know what’s best for their children.(Bakst, 2014)

6 Pro #2 of School Lunches: Nutrients, Vitamins & Limits Fat Intake Children will be getting a variety of nutritious foods and not the same soup, sandwich, salad, lunchable a day when they eat at schools. Children need the nutrition and vitamins that are served in the meals. School lunches provide 1/3 of children's daily calories. Protein, vitamins A and C, iron and calcium are just some of the things that these kids are getting on a daily basis.

7 Con #2 of School Lunches:  Struggle with adjustments

8 Pro #3 of School Lunches: Prevents Obesity & Boosts Grades “Dr. Dan Taber, an investigator for the research program, Bridging the Gap, told the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that providing children with healthy foods at school is a key step in decreasing childhood obesity rates.” (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Strong School Meal Standards May Help Reduce Obesity Among Kids From Lower- Income Families) It’s harder for children to concentrate at school when they don’t eat a healthy lunch and to maintain energy for after school activities. They’re also more likely to rush home for unhealthy snack. A study published in 2008 in the “Journal of School Health” examined the eating habits of nearly 5,000 school children. Children who ate more fruits, vegetables and protein and fewer calories from fat, performed better on literacy tests compared to children with a high-fat, high-salt diet. ( benefits-of-healthy-school-lunches/) benefits-of-healthy-school-lunches/

9 Con #3 of School Lunches: Prevents Obesity & Boosts Grades The School Nutrition Association has echoed these concerns. The National School Board Association cautioned, “School boards cannot ignore the higher costs and operational issues created by the rigid mandates of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.” The mandates are so excessive that some schools have reportedly raided their teaching budgets to cover the extra costs.

10 Question #1: How much do you know about school age chlidren’s food menu?

11 Question #2: What argument in the CON article has the LEAST amount of support?

12 ReferencesReferences Bakst, D. (2014, September 29). PRO/CON: Should parents support the new school meal standards? Retrieved April 14, 2015, from procon/id/5197/ Healthy school lunch menus spark political food fight. (n.d.). Retrieved April 14, 2015, from fight/

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