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2014 AIA Jacksonville Design Awards (Linda Mack Award) Instructions Slide Upon downloading file from your email please save file as submittal number.ppt.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 AIA Jacksonville Design Awards (Linda Mack Award) Instructions Slide Upon downloading file from your email please save file as submittal number.ppt."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 AIA Jacksonville Design Awards (Linda Mack Award) Instructions Slide Upon downloading file from your email please save file as submittal number.ppt. Utilize the submittal number provided by AIA Jacksonville in the upper right corner where indicated for each project submitted. Each project submitted must have a separate PowerPoint file and be designated with the assigned submittal number. Each project submittal file size must not exceed 10 MB Slide 1 is for instruction purposes only and should not be included in the submittal. Slide 2 is the program requirements and project title/data slide. The project title/data slide must be the first slide of each presentation and shall contain the information requested. Provide a maximum of ten(10) PowerPoint color slides. There is no minimum number. Please include enough images to adequately illustrate the entrant’s skill and ability. More than one image may be placed on each slide if desired. Do Not use slide transitions or animations in your submittal. The right side of image slides can be used for a brief description of the image(s), technique, or other information. Be concise and use Arial Font only and minimum 10 pt type. DO NOT change the layout of the slides. The final slide in your presentation should be the Entrant’s Identification Slide. It is for AIA Jacksonville office purposes only and will be removed from your presentation before including in any formal presentation. Remove this slide before submitting. To upload your entry use the following directions for the FTP Site: When you have completed your entry, click on the link below to send it to AIA Jacksonville. 14-design-awards- AIAJacksonville Enter your submittal number in the subject line, and then browse for your file. Once you have attached the entry, click on “SEND IT.” You should receive a confirmation that your file has been sent. If you have questions, call the AIA Jacksonville office at 904.389.8421 or email Miguel Martinez at

2 L01.01 This is the template for all image slides. The large number above represents the entry and slide number (entry#.slide#) The box that contains these instructions is to be used for a description if desired. Please replace the text as necessary, do not alter location or formatting. Place project drawings and illustrations in the 7 inch square to the left of this text. (click on the square and delete it) You can size your images in other software or within PowerPoint. To insert images: (insert > picture > from file) To resize: select picture, then: (format > picture) If you don’t see the dotted guide lines go to view menu and choose “show guides.” You can include more than one picture on a slide. Please copy and paste this slide to accommodate additional images. You must have a maximum of 10 slides. Insert your image(s) within this 7” x 7” space.

3 Entrant’s Info : Name Firm Name (Optional) Address City Phone Email L01.xx Entrant’s Identification Slide This slide will be kept confidential and will not be included in the selection criteria. Please fill out the information requested to the left. As with other slides please set the correct Entry Number above; OK to leave slide# as “x” Note: on this slide if you run out of space please adjust font size as necessary or move more information to the second column. DO NOT add a slide. Upload your information to the designated FTP site on the instructions slide. Your entries must be received by 11:59 PM on June 2. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. By making this submittal, each entrant agrees that the information contained on the Identification slide is correct and complete and that the entrant will hold AIA Jacksonville harmless for any and all damage arising out of its use of the information on this sheet and in this submittal. Any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the entrant.

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