Mr. Reed for Mrs. Whetstone’s Class October 22,2009.

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2 Mr. Reed for Mrs. Whetstone’s Class October 22,2009

3 Flood Video from Mr. Reed’s Hometown Flood Watch ‘94 WALB TV Albany, Ga Part 2

4 What is a flood? A flood is an event in which water flows over land that is normally dry.

5 What causes a flood? A heavy rainfall over a short period of time Hurricanes Other tropical storms Days of repeated rainfall Rain water fills up the ground and soil Additional rain has nowhere to go and flows across surface, called runoff Melting snow

6 River and Lake Floods Heavy or repeated rain Runs off into rivers and lakes Water in the rivers and lakes flow downstream picking up more water along the way Rivers begin to overflow their banks and flooding occurs Example Hurricane Katrina in 2005

7 Flood Damage Over a billion dollars per year Why so much damage? It is only water? Materials carried with water, creating mess Flooded buildings and cars Damaged crops Uprooted Caskets from cemeteries Death Sinkholes

8 How can we control floods? Storm Drains – a system of pipes or channels that carry away water from storms Levees – a wall along the banks of a river or lake, designed to prevent flooding

9 How can we control floods? Dam – a wall across a river or other waterway, designed to hold back water Reservoir – an artificial lake, used to hold water for future use and to control floods Floodway – a path for flood waters to flow over

10 Georgia Floods Floods happen in Georgia every year Mostly in the mountains and coastal regions of the southeast 1977 – Toccoa Creek broke through a dam after heavy rains 1994 – Tropical storm Alberto flooded Albany, Ga and many other cities along flint river 2009 – Flooding in Atlanta metropolitan area


12 Are You Smarter Than a 5 th Grader? 1,000,000 5 th Grade 5 th Grade5th Grade 4th Grade 3rd Grade 2nd Grade 1st Grade 500,000 300,000 175,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 1,000

13 5th Grade Topic 1 Question What three things do engineers take into consideration when building a levee, that helps prevent erosion?

14 5th Grade Topic 1 Answer Size, shape, and materials Return

15 5th Grade Topic 2 Question What two areas of Georgia are floods most common?

16 5th Grade Topic 2 Answer Mountains and coastal region Return

17 4th Grade Topic 3 Question Is a drainage ditch an example of a dam, a levee, a reservoir, or a floodway?

18 4th Grade Topic 3 Answer A floodway because it is a prepared path for flood waters to flow across Return

19 4th Grade Topic 4 Question How are a levee and a dam different?

20 4th Grade Topic 4 Answer A levee is built along the side of a river and a dam is built across the river. Return

21 3rd Grade Topic 5 Question What type of flood control is being used if a city decides to use the land around a river as a park?

22 3rd Grade Topic 5 Answer Floodway Return

23 3rd Grade Topic 6 Question What are two of the three ways we mentioned that floods can happen?

24 3rd Grade Topic 6 Answer Heavy rain in short period of time, repeated rain over several days, and melting snow Return

25 2nd Grade Topic 7 Question Name two examples of damage done from flooding?

26 2nd Grade Topic 7 Answer Materials carried with water, creating mess Flooded buildings and cars Damaged crops Uprooted Caskets from cemeteries Death Sinkholes Return

27 2 nd Grade Topic 8 Question What is a levee?

28 2nd Grade Topic 8 Answer A levee is a wall along the banks of a river or lake, designed to prevent flooding Return

29 1st Grade Topic 9 Question What is a dam designed to do?

30 1st Grade Topic 9 Answer A dam is designed to hold back water Return

31 1st Grade Topic 10 Question What is a flood?

32 1st Grade Topic 10 Answer A flood is an event in which water flows over land that is usually dry Return

33 Million Dollar Question Grade Level Topic 11 What year OR where did 2 of the three Georgia floods that we talked about happen?

34 1,000,000 Answer 1977 in Toccoa near the S.C. border 1994 in southern Georgia / Albany, Ga. 2009 in Atlanta metropolitan area

35 Thanks for Playing!

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