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Chapter 9. Cellular Respiration  The process that releases energy (ATP) by breaking down food molecules in the presence of oxygen.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9. Cellular Respiration  The process that releases energy (ATP) by breaking down food molecules in the presence of oxygen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9

2 Cellular Respiration  The process that releases energy (ATP) by breaking down food molecules in the presence of oxygen

3 Mitochondria  Found? Plant & Animal Cells  Where respiration takes place Just aerobic parts

4 Aerobic Vs. Anaerobic Respiration  Aerobic = presence of O 2 Respiration  Anaerobic = absence of O 2 Fermentation

5 Pathway of Cellular Respiration  Glycolysis (Cytoplasm)  Krebs Cycle (Mito.)  Electron Transport Chain (Mito.)

6 Glycolysis  “Glukus” = sweet  “Lysis” = loosening  Occurs in Cytoplasm  Breaking one glucose down into 2 pyruvic acids(3 Carbon) & 2 ATP (net)

7 After Glycolysis  Anaerobic = Fermentation  Aerobic = Cellular Respiration

8 Fermentation  Fermentation will make energy without O 2  Two types Alcoholic Lactic acid

9 Alcoholic  Yeast & other microorganisms  CO 2 causes bread to rise

10 Lactic Acid  Animal muscles  Happens during vigorous exercise  Builds up in muscles causing cramps

11 Krebs Cycle  Follows glycolysis  Needs oxygen Respiration  Occurs in mitochondria  Breaks down products of glycolysis into carbon dioxide Releasing energy to make electron carriers and ATP

12 Krebs Cycle

13 Electron Transport Chain  Inner membrane of mitochondria  Electrons move to produce energy

14 ETC:  Makes ATP – 2-3 per electron carrier  Oxygen is used as the final electron acceptor (H+)  Forms water

15 Mitochondrial membrane NADH NADH enters and releases an H+ and an electron.

16 Mitochondrial membrane NADH enters and releases an H+ and an electron. e- NAD+

17 Mitochondrial membrane The electron travels to the next protein while simultaneously sending H+ across the membrane e- H+ O

18 Mitochondrial membrane The electron is used to form water. The H+ then are pumped back into the mitochondria. H+ H2O ADP P

19 Mitochondrial membrane This allows ATP to be made each time a H+ enters back in. H+ ATP

20 Totals  Glycolysis Net 2 ATP  Krebs 2 ATP  ETC Electron carriers = 32 ATP **Total = 36 ATP


22 Photosynthesis Vs Cellular Respiration


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