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What is it?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is it?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is it?

2 Respiration What are two types of fermentation? Alcoholic fermentation
Lactic acid fermentation

3 Alcoholic Fermentation
Pyruvic acid + NADH --> alcohol + CO2 +NAD+ What process produces the NADH? Is this process aerobic or anaerobic?

4 Lactic Acid Fermentation
Pyruvic acid + NADH --> lactic acid + NAD+ Where do the pyruvates come from? Does this fermentation produce CO2? Where is the NAD+ going to be reused?

5 Lactic acid is produced in your muscles during rapid exercise when the body cannot supply enough oxygen. You produce lactic acid during short intense work like sprinting because you can not supply oxygen fast enough to the muscle cells.

6 Aerobic respiration What is the correct sequence of events in this process? Glycolysis --> Krebs cycle --> Electron transport chain

7 C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6CO2 + 6H20 + ENERGY
What are the reactants in cellular respiration? food (glucose) and oxygen Some of the energy released is captured as ATP and some is lost as heat. How many ATP’s are recovered from one glucose molecule? 36 What are the products of respiration? carbon dioxide and water and energy

8 Glycolysis 1) Where does it occur? cytoplasm
2) What is the starting molecule? glucose 3) What is needed to get the process started? an energy input = 2 ATP’s

9 Glycolysis What happens if oxygen is not present during glycolysis?
the pyruvates will be consumed by fermentation

10 Electron carriers? NADH FADH2
During what processes are these compounds produced? NADH - during glycolysis and Krebs cycle FADH2 - during Krebs cycle

11 Aerobic vs Anaerobic What does aerobic mean?
process that requires oxygen Does glycolysis require oxygen? no Does the Krebs cycle require oxygen? yes

12 Krebs Cycle What product from gylcolysis begins the Krebs cycle?
Pyruvic acid Where does this cycle take place in the cell? mitochondria

13 Krebs cycle What does the Krebs cycle produce? NADH, FADH2, CO2,
and some ATP Which of these products are important to the electron transport chain? NADH, FADH2, these are the electron carriers that allow for the production of much more ATP

14 Electron Transport Chain

15 Electron Transport Chain
How do the electrons get transported to the special proteins involved? carried by carrier molecules NADH, FADH2 What is the primary function of the chain? to make ATP

16 Electron Transport Chain
Oxygen and water --- how is oxygen used in cellular respiration? The oxygen atoms are the final electron acceptors and then they can attach with two H+ ions to form water at the end of the transport chain

17 Which process does not release energy from glucose?
Glycolysis Fermentation Photosynthesis cellular respiration

18 How are cellular respiration and photosynthesis almost opposite processes?
Oxygen photosynthesis produces it respiration uses it to break down food Carbon dioxide respiration produces it photosynthesis uses it to make glucose

19 How are cellular respiration and photosynthesis almost opposite processes?
Glucose photosynthesis manufactures it respiration breaks it down to produce ATP Water photosynthesis uses it to produce sugars respiration produces it as a waste product while making ATP

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