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 Europeans Reach the Americas.   Sailed West looking for route to Asia 1492  Landed in the Bahamas  Gave natives the name Indians (thought he was.

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Presentation on theme: " Europeans Reach the Americas.   Sailed West looking for route to Asia 1492  Landed in the Bahamas  Gave natives the name Indians (thought he was."— Presentation transcript:

1  Europeans Reach the Americas

2   Sailed West looking for route to Asia 1492  Landed in the Bahamas  Gave natives the name Indians (thought he was in Asia) Columbus

3   Conflict- between Spain and Portugal (both wanted to add lands to their growing empire)  Pope Alexander VI (a Spaniard) issued the Line of Demarcation.  Imaginary line- dividing the Atlantic Ocean- west of the line for Spain/ east for Portugal  Portugal complained- Treaty of Tordesillas- was signed this moved the line 800 miles kept a war from happening. Impact of Columbus Voyage

4  Columbian Exchange

5  Vasco da Gama  Landed in India in 1498.  Important trade route from Europe to India and East Indies.

6  Vasco da Gama

7  Age of Exploration Explorers  Magellan- around the world  Amerigo Vespucci- new world named after.  De Balboa- crossed South America and saw the Pacific Ocean Columbian Exchange  Introduced new diseases to Natives  Natives began to use horses and farm products like barley  A trade exchange developed, Known as the TRIANGULAR TRADE

8   System of trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas.  Stage 1: Raw materials to Europe (tobacco, rum, sugar)  Stage 2: Manufactured goods to Africa (guns, cloth, rum)  Stage 3: Slaves to the Americas to make raw materials. Triangular Trade


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