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Archaebacteria One Cell Prokaryotic Sessile Decomposer/ Autotroph

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2 Archaebacteria One Cell Prokaryotic Sessile Decomposer/ Autotroph
Harsh conditions

3 Eubacteria One Cell Prokaryotic Sessile Decomposer/ Autotroph
Hospitable conditions

4 Prochloron didemni *WAS DISCOVERED IN 1976

5 Protista Single celled / simple multicellular Eukaryotic
Sessile / Motile Heterotrophs and Autotrophs Includes organisms that “don’t fit”

6 Can be found in pond water Gets it’s name from Greek word amoibe
Protista Amoeba Amoeba proteus Can be found in pond water Gets it’s name from Greek word amoibe Has no permanent shape Multiplies by dividing into 2

7 Fungi One or many Eukaryotic Chitin in wall (soft cell wall)
Heterotrophic / Takes food Sessile Reproduce by spores

8 1st miracle drug Used to treat wound infections Discovered by
Fungi Penicillin Penicillin Penicillium notatum 1st miracle drug Used to treat wound infections Discovered by Alexander Fleming In London,England Discovered in 1929

9 Plantae Multi Cell Eukaryotic Cells with cellulose in cell wall
Sessile (some motile) Autotrophic Photosynthetic

10 Official state tree of New York
Plantae Acer sccharum Most abundant maple tree in New York Official state tree of New York Can be found in the eastern United States Sugar Maple

11 The Sugar maple tree can grow
to be 100 feet tall and timber spices Produces maple syrup

12 Animalia Many Cells Eukaryotic Cells without walls Motile
Heterotrophic / Takes food

13 Is found in Central Asia
Snow Animalla Leopard Uncia uncia Is found in Central Asia Weights lbs. meters long

14 Snow leopards are able to kill Snow leopards are nocturnal.
prey twice their size. Snow leopards are nocturnal. Cubs are born blind.

15 FOUR QUESTIONS: One or many cells? Prokaryote or Eukaryote? Sessile or Motile? Take or Make food?

16 Objectives: Identify basics of viruses
Catalyst: What do you think the life cycle of a virus is? Please sign in on attendance sheet

17 Bacteria and Viruses

18 Viruses Are viruses ALIVE?
Viruses do reproduce and contain genetic information. Viruses do not break down food or grow Viruses are helpless without living cells! Viruses need to live in other cells called “host cells” so that they can reproduce! VIRUSES ARE NOT ALIVE!!! Viruses are made up of nucleic acid surrounded by one or two protein coats.

19 Viruses -Viruses need a host cell in order to make more viruses.

20 Diseases caused by viruses
-Many diseases are caused by viruses including: Common cold, flu, small pox, warts and HIV.

21 How can you get a virus? Airborne Contaminated blood products
Contaminated food or water Infected Animals or Vectors such as Mosquitoes Sexual contact

22 BACTERIOPHAGE viruses that invade bacteria

23 Bacteriophage


25 LIFE CYCLE OF A VIRUS Infection Growth Replication Lysis
(attachment to cell and injection of G.M.) Growth Replication Lysis

Virus takes over cell and reproduces itself (hijacker) LYSOGENIC INFECTION Virus DNA inserts into cell DNA and is copied as normal (sneak attack)

27 Cell bursts open and the viruses are released
LYSIS Cell bursts open and the viruses are released


29 RETROVIRUS Viruses that have RNA as the genetic material

30 Create a Venn Diagram showing the similarities and differences between cells and viruses.

31 How many of you have had chicken pox?
How many of you have had chicken pox more than once???

32 2 Lines of Defense Immune System First Line Second Line

33 First Line Epidermis Cells Mucus Membranes Antibacterial Enzymes

34 Second Line Leukocytes (WBC) Phagocytes (eat things) T-cells (killers) B-cells (markers)

35 Most types of viruses can not be treated
Most types of viruses can not be treated. We treat the symptoms instead and wait for our immune system to figure out how to kill the virus.

36 Drawing Page 479 – redraw and put it into your own words
Then start Virus Wanted Posters

37 Bacteria Vs. Viruses Size Structure Reproduction
The biggest virus is only as large as the smallest bacteria. Structure Bacteria are complex compared to viruses. Reproduction Bacteria contain all the blueprints and tools to reproduce themselves. Viruses can only exist as parasites. Antibiotic Effectiveness Bacteria can be destroyed by antibiotics, viruses cannot.

38 Structural Differences

39 The Importance of Bacteria to Planet Earth
Bacteria are ecologically essential to life on Earth. Photosynthesis by cyanobacteria Decomposition of organic materials Recycle nutrients back into the enviornment Nitrogen fixation of atmospheric nitrogen into a form that can be used by plants

40 Good Bacteria 99% of all bacteria is good
You have more bacteria in your body than human cells They aid in digestion They produce vitamins They destroy harmful organisms A few bad bacteria get most of the press. Many people don’t know that most bacteria is beneficial.

41 Monera


43 MONERA single celled prokaryotes AKA “bacteria”

44 Monerans: What are they?
Bacteria and cyanobacteria Simple, single-celled organisms Prokaryotic Believed to be the 1st organisms on Earth 3 Forms Bacillus Coccus Spirillum

45 Kingdom Monera Kingdom Monera Domain Monera Phylum Archaebacteria
Phylum Eubacteria Domain Monera Kingdom Archaebacteria Kingdom Eubacteria

46 Archaebacteria Anaerobic
They get energy from inorganic molecules or light 3 Phyla Methanogens: Produce methane Halophiles: Only live in concentrated saltwater Thermoacidophiles: Live in hot, acid water of sulfur springs

47 Eubacteria Live in a wide variety of habitats
They get energy in a wide variety of ways. 3 Phyla Heterotrophs: Need organic molecules for energy Autotrophs: Photosynthetic Chemotrophs: Get energy from the breakdown of inorganic substances such as sulfur and nitrogen

ROD- bacilli SPHERE- cocci SPIRAL- spirilla See page 364 in text

49 Rod Shaped Bacteria Example: E. coli (group of bacteria)
Causes urinary infections, food poisoning (lots more) Helps in digestion Can predict fecal contamination Most studied of all organisms in biology (Why?)

50 Round Shaped Bacteria Produce nearly 1/3 of all infections in humans including: strep throat, pneumonia, food poisoning, skin diseases, toxic shock syndrome, gonorrhea and meningitis Also common in food production

51 Spiral Shaped Bacteria Examples: Borrelia burgdorferi and Treponema pallidum
Causes syphilis Causes Lyme Disease

52 Shapes of Bacteria

53 Many bacteria reproduce by BINARY FISSION

54 Sooooo…are bacteria friend or foe???

55 FOES Food poisoning (Salmonella spp.)
Rod Shaped Strep Throat (Streptococcus spp.) Cocci Cholera (Vibrio cholerae)

56 FRIENDS Add taste to foods (cheese, sour-dough, yogurt)
Help plants make proteins (converts N2 to NH4) Help animals digest cellulose

57 E. Coli Naturally found in our bodies to aid in digestion
Often used in scientific DNA and gene research

58 B. thuringiensis Natural pest killer in gardens and on crops

59 P. putida Cleans waste from sewage water at water treatment plants

60 Streptomyces Used to make streptomycin, an antibiotic used to treat infections

61 L. acidopohilus Used to help turn milk into yogurt

62 Many types of bacteria infections can be treated with antibiotics.

63 ANTIBIOTICS any substance produced by a microorganism which harms or kills another microorganism However, antibiotics DO NOT harm viruses

64 Antibiotics Example: Penicillin
Comes from mold (fungus) Stops the creation of a cell wall during binary fission Many bacteria become resistant to types of antibiotics Follow doctor’s orders!!!

65 II. Bacteria -There are two kinds of bacteria:
1. Archaebacteria-live in extreme environments (ex: hot springs, cold mountains). 2. Eubacteria-live everywhere else (ex: our bodies, food).

66 Bacteria -Bacteria are small, one-celled prokaryotes.
-Bacteria reproduce asexually by binary fission.

67 Bacteria Structure of Bacteria: -All bacteria have a cell wall.
-Bacteria are surrounded by a capsule which keeps them from being eaten by white blood cells. -Only bacteria that have capsules are infectious (can cause disease).

68 Bacteria

69 Bacteria a. Diplo-paired c. Strepto-long chain
1. Bacteria come in 3 shapes a. cocci-spheres b. bacilli-rods c. spirilli-spirals 2. Bacteria can be arranged in 3 ways a. Diplo-paired b. Staphylo-grapelike clusters c. Strepto-long chain 3. Bacteria can live with or without oxygen a. Aerobes-need oxygen (O2) b. Anerobes-don’t need oxygen (O2)

70 Bacteria shapes Streptococci Diplobacillis Streptospirilli

71 Bacteria -Bacteria are all around us. Not all bacteria cause disease-we have bacteria that live in our stomachs that actually keep us healthy! -Some bacteria do cause diseases such as Strep Throat, pneumonia, diphtheria.

72 Bacteria -Penicillin kills bacteria by making holes in the cell wall. Water then enters the cell by osmosis, and the cells explode and die.

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